
72 Best Free SEO Tools [2024]

SEO tools can be super expensive, and for a good reason: they crunch so much data every day to deliver a dataset to us to make data-driven decisions.

However, there are a ton of great free SEO tools out here, and I’ve made the ultimate list with 76 free SEO tools.

1. Google Search Console

google search console website

Google Search Console is by far my favorite free SEO tool and the tool I spend most of my time in.

It’s the most precise data from the Google SERPs, as Google itself delivers the data.

You can see everything from your pages’ impressions, clicks, and CTR.

You can also see how well Google is crawling your website if there are issues and much more.

My favorite use case with Google Search Console is:

To sort by impressions and then look at the highest number of impressions where I get little to no clicks.

This means I need to optimize my content for this specific search term. Maybe I’m not covering it well enough or not at all.

Try Google Search Console

2. Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

ahrefs free webmaster tools

Ahrefs Webmaster Tools is often overlooked because you might think: Ahrefs? Doesn’t it cost $99 per month?

Yes, it does, but they have a wide range of free tools you can use, and their site audit is one of the best out there.

Some of them are:

  • Free site audit
  • Check the search volume on a keyword
  • Check your domain authority
  • Backlink checker
  • … And many more.

My favorite use case with Ahrefs’ Webmaster Tools is:

I use the site audit every week, as it scans my website automatically and sends me all the issues on my website.

All I have to do is then to fix it. Ahrefs even tells me how to.

This can be anything from broken links to broken images and many other things you don’t keep track of manually.

Try Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

3. LowFruits

lowfruits website

LowFruits is a perfect tool for keyword research, and you can use it for free. You have 3 weekly keyword research reports you can run.

For each keyword research report, you can get search volume for free on all the keywords.

It’s great at using Google Autosuggest and Autofill to suggest hundreds and often thousands of keywords.

My favorite use case with LowFruits is:

To use it for creating my topical map, as I get an exhaustive list of keywords, I can then sort into categories and clusters for my topical map.

Try LowFruits

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4. ChatGPT

chatgpt website

ChatGPT is an AI-driven language model developed by OpenAI that interacts with you in natural language, providing responses across a wide range of topics.

It can assist with generating text, answering questions, and even creating code based on the prompts you provide.

Its capabilities extend to learning from each interaction, making it a versatile tool for both casual inquiries and complex problem-solving tasks.

My favorite use case with ChatGPT is:

To use ChatGPT to get to know my target group when writing a blog post. I use ChatGPT for pain points about my target group for the specific blog post I’m writing and what they’re looking for.

For example, if I’m writing an article about a specific couch, I’ll ask ChatGPT what’s important to know for this couch’s target group, which might be comfort, sizing, spacing, and so on.

Try ChatGPT

5. Detailed


Detailed is an SEO Chrome extension designed to elevate your online visibility by uncovering the strategies of top-performing websites in your industry.

It provides you with competitive analysis, highlighting the most successful content and backlink strategies used by your competitors.

With Detailed, you gain insight into high-impact keywords, influential websites for backlinks, and content gaps in your strategy, enabling you to refine your SEO efforts effectively.

My favorite use case with Detailed is:

To use Detailed for checking on-page metrics. Such as my heading structure, is it in order. What about my internal and external links?

It’s a great tool to quickly ensure the page is indexable and the structure follows best practices.

Try Detailed

6. Website Auditor

Website Auditor website

Website Auditor is a comprehensive tool that scrutinizes your website for both on-page and technical SEO issues that could be hindering your search engine rankings.

It crawls every corner of your site, identifying problems like broken links, duplicate content, and slow page loading times.

The tool also evaluates your site’s structure and provides actionable recommendations for optimizing HTML tags, content quality, and website architecture for better visibility and user experience.

My favorite use case with Website Auditor is:

With Website Auditor, I love conducting a comprehensive blog audit to identify and fix technical SEO issues.

After the scan, you discover several broken links and images, slow-loading pages, and poorly optimized meta tags that are affecting user experience and search rankings.

Try Website Auditor

7. Answer the Public

AnswerThePublic website

AnswerThePublic is a tool that taps into the wealth of data from search engines to provide you with a comprehensive view of the questions people are asking online related to your keywords.

It visualizes search queries and suggests autocomplete searches in a way that uncovers long-tail keywords, questions, prepositions, and comparisons.

This strategic approach enhances your SEO efforts by aligning your content with actual search behaviors and trends.

My favorite use case with AnswerThePublic is:

With AnswerThePublic, it finds untapped questions where there isn’t a great enough answer.

This strategy significantly improves your content’s relevance and search visibility, attracting more organic traffic from readers interested in your blog.

Try AnswerThePublic

8. Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights Website

Google PageSpeed Insights analyzes the content of your web page, providing you with a score that reflects its loading performance on both mobile and desktop devices.

It offers detailed suggestions on improving your website’s speed and overall user experience, such as optimizing images, reducing server response times, and eliminating render-blocking resources.

This tool is crucial for identifying and rectifying issues that could slow down your site, ensuring it operates efficiently and effectively.

My favorite use case with Google PageSpeed Insights is:

My favorite use case with Google PageSpeed Insights is improving the load time of my website by following the guidelines, which are critical for viewers and enhancing your search engine rankings.

After entering your URL, you find that large, unoptimized images are significantly slowing down your site.

Try Google PageSpeed Insights

9. Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics Website

Exploding Topics is a tool designed to uncover rapidly growing trends before they become mainstream, giving you a competitive edge in your market research and content strategy.

It analyzes data from search engines, social media, and various online platforms to identify topics that are gaining traction. 

Exploding Topics provides insights into what your target audience is beginning to show interest in, enabling you to tailor your offerings and content to meet these evolving interests. 

My favorite use case with Exploding Topics is:

My favorite use case with Exploding Topics is identifying emerging trends to guide the content strategy for my content.

By discovering an uptick in interest around topics relevant to you, you can be the first one to write content about it.

Try Exploding Topics

10. Google Trends

Google Trends Website

Google Trends allows you to explore the popularity of search queries in Google across various regions and languages. It provides insights into the search volume of terms over time, helping you understand public interest and seasonal trends related to specific topics.

Google Trends also offers a comparative analysis feature, enabling you to simultaneously assess the interest in multiple terms.

My favorite use case with Google Trends is:

I love using Google Trends to identify if my niche or industry has search volume quickly; it’s perfect for analyzing search trends for different terms, and you can identify peak interest periods in different regions.

By analyzing search trends for terms like “summer fashion” and “winter coats,” you identify peak interest periods in different regions.

Try Google Trends

11. Rank Math SEO


Rank Math SEO is a powerful WordPress plugin that enhances your website’s SEO with its user-friendly and feature-rich interface.

It automates many SEO tasks, such as generating meta tags, creating sitemaps, and optimizing social media sharing.

The plugin offers advanced schema markup options, keyword optimization, and detailed SEO analysis to improve your content’s visibility and search rankings.

My favorite use case with RankMath SEO is:

My favorite use case with RankMath SEO is optimizing my overall website, as it automatically incorporates many E-E-A-T into your website through schema.

This targeted optimization leads to your website appearing higher in search results, attracting more organic traffic to your blog from your target audience and increasing your website’s overall visibility.

Try RankMath SEO

12. Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool Website

Keyword Tool is an SEO tool designed to help you discover thousands of new long-tail keywords related to any topic by automatically generating Google’s search suggestions.

It provides insights into keywords used by your competitors and potential search terms that can drive targeted traffic to your website.

The tool offers analysis for multiple search engines and platforms, including Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and the App Store, enabling you to optimize your content across different channels.

My favorite use case with Keyword Tool is:

My favorite use case with Keyword Tool is using it to do keyword research in one place for multiple search engines and social media.

It’s incredibly swift, and then I take the keywords I find interesting and pop into LowFruits or KeySearch to get more information.

Try Keyword Tool

13. Google Analytics

google analytics website

Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic, offering you deep insights into your website’s visitors and their behaviors.

It allows you to understand how users find and interact with your site, including the pages they visit, the amount of time they spend, and the actions they take.

With Google Analytics, you can set and track goals, such as completed purchases or sign-ups, to measure your website’s performance against your objectives.

My favorite use case with Google Analytics is:

My favorite use case with Google Analytics is tracking the effectiveness of my content to see what converts best.

By setting up specific goals, such as newsletter sign-ups or completed purchases, you can see which sources of traffic lead to the highest conversion rates.

Try Google Analytics

14. Google Ads Keyword Planner


Google Ads Keyword Planner is a powerful, free tool designed to help advertisers and content creators identify the right keywords to target for their advertising campaigns and content strategies.

It offers insights into search volume, competition levels, and potential cost per click (CPC) for various keywords.

By providing data directly from Google’s vast search query database, Keyword Planner enables users to discover new keyword ideas, understand how search terms perform over time, and estimate how changes in keywords might impact their ad campaigns or content visibility.

My favorite use case with Google Ads Keyword Planner is:

My favorite use case with Google Keyword Planner is finding long-tail keywords. I start with a broad seed term related to my niche, then filter by “phrase match” and “low competition.”

Then you get a goldmine of specific, low-difficulty keywords my audience is actively searching, perfect for blog posts and content optimization.

Try Google Ads Keyword Planner

15. SERP Snippet Optimization Tool

SERP-Snippet-Optimization-Tool website

A SERP Snippet Optimization Tool is designed to help you craft meta titles and descriptions that are more likely to capture attention on search engine results pages.

It allows you to preview how your webpage might appear in Google’s SERP, enabling you to optimize for both click-through rates and keyword relevance.

This tool also provides suggestions to include relevant keywords and improve readability, helping your page stand out against competitors. By utilizing it, you’re taking a strategic step toward increasing your website’s visibility and traffic.

My favorite use case with the SERP Snippet Optimization Tool is:

You start by inputting your current page title and meta description into the tool. The tool then suggests more compelling language and relevant keywords based on search trends, which you tweak until the preview looks appealing and concise.

After implementing these optimized snippets on your website, you monitor the page’s performance in search engine results over the next few weeks.

Try SERP Snippet Optimization Tool

16. Moz Local Listing Score

Moz Local Listing Store website

Moz Local Listing Score provides you with an instant assessment of your business’s online presence across various directories, including Google and Facebook.

It checks the completeness and accuracy of your listings, highlighting any inconsistencies or missing information that could affect your visibility.

Analyzing your business’s online data identifies areas for improvement and suggests actionable steps to enhance your local SEO performance.

My favorite use case with Moz Local Listing Score is:

My favorite use case with Moz Local Listing Score is checking the accuracy of my blog posts across key online directories.

You discover that your website is outdated. You update these details using the insights from Moz Local, ensuring they’re consistent everywhere online.

Try Moz Local Listing Score

17. Yoast SEO

yoast seo website

Yoast SEO is a comprehensive plugin for your WordPress website that helps you optimize your content for search engines.

It guides you through improving your posts and pages with SEO-friendly titles, meta descriptions, and keywords, ensuring your site meets the highest technical SEO standards.

By providing real-time page analysis, Yoast SEO assists in enhancing your site’s readability, boosting its ranking potential in search results.

My favorite use case with Yoast SEO is:

Even though I use Rank Math for my websites, Yoast SEO can do a lot of the same as Rank Math, but some find it easier.

It’s great at connecting to your social media profiles, helping you with meta tags, and much more. Overall, it’s just a solid WordPress SEO plugin.

Try Yoast SEO

18. JSON-LD Schema Generator For SEO

JSON-LD Schema Generator For SEO website

The JSON-LD Schema Generator for SEO is a tool designed to create structured data markup in the JSON-LD format, enhancing your website’s SEO by making it easier for search engines to understand the content of your pages.

It allows you to generate schemas such as Local Business, Articles, Events, and Products, directly improving your site’s visibility in search results through rich snippets.

By inputting relevant information into the generator, you receive a script that can be easily integrated into the HTML of your web pages.

My favorite use case with JSON-LD Schema Generator For SEO is:

My favorite use case with JSON-LD Schema Generator for SEO is to create a schema for specific use cases.

Even though it’s built into Rank Math, sometimes you need a custom schema for Google or some extra attributes, and here it’s perfect.

Try JSON-LD Schema Generator For SEO

19. Classy Schema Structured Data Viewer

Classy Schema Structured Data Viewer

Classy Schema Structured Data Viewer is a tool designed to visually inspect and validate the structured data on your website, ensuring it complies with Google’s SEO guidelines.

It allows you to input a URL quickly and then presents a detailed breakdown of all structured data types found on the page, including errors and warnings that could affect your SEO performance.

By using Classy Schema, you can identify and fix issues with your structured data, enhancing your site’s potential for rich snippets and improved search engine rankings.

My favorite use case with Classy Schema Structured Data Viewer is:

Generating schema is so easy using Classy Schema, and it’s especially good when you need an extra attribute or a specific schema or use case.

Try Classy Schema Structured Data Viewer

20. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb website

SimilarWeb is a digital intelligence platform that provides you with web analytics and competitive insights to benchmark your website against competitors and understand your audience’s online behavior.

It allows you to analyze website traffic, including sources, geographic distribution, and user engagement metrics, to identify trends and growth opportunities.

With SimilarWeb, you can discover new competitors, evaluate their traffic strategies, and uncover your industry’s most effective marketing channels.

My favorite use case with SimilarWeb is:

This is the perfect tool for quick competitor research in your industry. You get a lot of data for free.

While you don’t get in-depth data, you quickly get an idea of how it’s going with your competitors and what they’re focused on.

Try SimilarWeb

21. SERP Robot


SERP Robot is an SEO tool that enables you to quickly check your website’s search engine ranking position (SERP) for specific keywords across different search engines.

It provides real-time data on where your web pages rank in search results, helping you gauge the effectiveness of your SEO strategies.

With SERP Robot, you can monitor multiple keywords for your site and your competitors, giving you insights into how well your content performs against others in your industry.

My favorite use case with SERP Robot is:

My favorite use case with SERP Robot is tracking the ranking progress of my content.

After writing your content, including optimized meta tags, keyword-rich content, and quality backlinks, you use SERP Robot to monitor changes in your rankings for these specific terms.

Try SERP Robot

22. XML Sitemaps

XML Sitemaps website

XML Sitemaps are essential tools for SEO, serving as a roadmap of your website that guides search engines to all your important pages.

They ensure that search engines can efficiently discover and index your content, even if internal linking is imperfect.

By submitting your XML Sitemap to search engine webmaster tools, like Google Search Console, you help improve your site’s visibility in search results.

My favorite use case with XML Sitemaps is:

I use Rank Math to generate my XML Sitemap, but if you don’t use WordPress, then this is perfect for generating an XML sitemap. You can then submit it to Google Search Console.

Try XML Sitemaps

23. Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt generator website

The Robots.txt Generator is a tool that creates a robots.txt file for your website, instructing search engine bots on how to crawl and index your site’s pages.

It allows you to specify which areas of your site should be accessible to bots and which should be restricted, such as admin pages or duplicate content.

By using this tool, you can prevent search engines from indexing certain parts of your site, optimize your crawl budget, and improve your site’s SEO performance.

My favorite use case with Robots.txt Generator is:

You use the tool to create a robots.txt file that disallows search engines from indexing administrative pages and certain dynamic pages like search results while explicitly allowing the crawling of your blog posts and main categories.

Try Robots.txt Generator

24. Copyscape

Copyscape website

Copyscape is a plagiarism detection service that allows you to check the originality of your content across the internet.

Copyscape scans the web for duplicate content by entering a URL or pasting text, helping you ensure that your work is unique and not copied from other sources.

This tool is essential for maintaining your website’s integrity and SEO value, as search engines penalize sites with duplicated content.

My favorite use case with Copyscape is:

When I play around with AI content, it’s important that I don’t publish duplicate content; here, Copyscape is great.

Before publishing new content, you use Copyscape to scan each article, verifying that the text is unique and hasn’t been published elsewhere on the internet.

Try Copyscape

25. Google Alerts

Google Alerts website

Google Alerts is a content change detection and notification service provided by Google that sends you email notifications whenever new resultsβ€”such as web pages, newspaper articles, or blogsβ€”match your specified search terms.

You can use it to monitor the web for fresh content about your brand, competitors, or any topic of interest.

This tool allows you to keep track of what is being said about your business online, enabling you to respond swiftly to any mentions, reviews, or feedback.

My favorite use case with Google Alerts is:

I have a Google Alert on my name and brands, so if I see they’re mentioned, I can reach out to the websites mentioning me and ask them to link to my website, which is a free backlink.

Try Google Alerts

26. Screaming Frog SEO

Screaming Frog SEO Website

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a highly versatile desktop program that crawls websites’ links, images, CSS, scripts, and apps to evaluate onsite SEO.

It allows you to quickly identify broken links (404s), find temporary and permanent redirects, discover duplicate content, and analyze page titles and meta descriptions for optimization opportunities.

The tool also enables you to generate XML sitemaps and integrates with Google Analytics for a comprehensive view of your website’s SEO performance.

My favorite use case with Screaming Frog SEO is:

My favorite use case with Screaming Frog SEO is conducting a comprehensive audit of my website to enhance the technical foundation.

You use the tool to crawl your entire website, identifying broken links and redirect issues that could harm your user experience and search rankings.

Try Screaming Frog SEO

27. The Hreflang Tags Generator Tool


The Hreflang Tags Generator Tool is designed to help you create hreflang tags for your website, ensuring search engines understand your content’s language and regional targeting.

You simply input your webpage URLs and select the appropriate language and country codes for each.

The tool then generates the correct hreflang annotations to add to your site’s HTML or HTTP headers, improving your international SEO efforts. It streamlines the process of managing multiple page versions targeted at different regions or languages, reducing the risk of duplicate content issues.

My favorite use case with The Hreflang Tags Generator Tool is:

This is great if you have your content in multiple languages.

Imagine you have blog posts in English, Spanish, and French, each targeting audiences in the USA, Spain, and France.

By entering the URLs of these posts into the tool and specifying the correct language and country codes, you can quickly generate hreflang tags for each version.

Try The Hreflang Tags Generator Tool

28. Keyword Surfer


Keyword Surfer is a free Chrome extension that allows you to see search volumes, CPC (Cost Per Click), and keyword suggestions directly in Google search results.

Once installed, whenever you type a query into Google, Keyword Surfer shows you valuable data on your query’s search volume and related keywords beside your search results.

My favorite use case with Keyword Surfer is:

The Chrome extension is just great for finding new keyword ideas and monthly search volume.

Even though you’re limited, you still get a lot of functionality for free through the Chrome extension.

Try Keyword Surfer’s chrome extension

29. Website Authority Checker


The Website Authority Checker is a tool that evaluates the strength and credibility of your website on a scale, often from 1 to 100, based on various SEO factors.

Entering your website URL instantly provides you with an authority score that reflects your site’s potential to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs).

This score is calculated using metrics such as backlink profiles, domain age, traffic data, and social media signals.

My favorite use case with Website Authority Checker is:

I love to weekly check my domain authority score to see if it’s moving in the right direction. Be aware that it’s a guideline, as this one can be manipulated.

Try Website Authority Checker

30. Whitespark’s Google Review Link Generator


Whitespark’s Google Review Link Generator is a tool designed to simplify the process of gathering customer reviews for your business on Google.

By entering your business name and selecting it from the suggestions, the tool generates a direct link you can share with customers, encouraging them to leave a review.

This direct link bypasses the search process and takes customers straight to the review form, making it easier for them to provide feedback.

My favorite use case with Whitespark’s Google Review Link Generator is:

With Whitespark’s Google Review Link Generator, you can easily get a unique Google review link and send it to your target audience.

Try Whitespark’s Google Review Link Generator

31. Semrush

Semrush website

Semrush is a comprehensive digital marketing toolkit designed to provide you with deep insights into the SEO, PPC, content, social media, and competitive research of your website or any site of your interest.

By leveraging its vast database, you can uncover valuable data on keywords, backlinks, and market trends to inform your strategies.

Semrush enables you to perform a detailed website audit to identify SEO issues and offers practical solutions to improve your visibility in search engine results.

My favorite use case with Semrush is:

Semrush is brilliant for finding keyword ideas and doing competitor garp research. It’s incredible how much functionality they give for free now.

I recommend anyone signing up to start using it for free.

Try Semrush

32. Smallseotools

Smallseotools website

Smallseotools is a versatile online platform offering a suite of free SEO tools designed to optimize your website’s performance in search engine rankings.

From plagiarism checks and backlink maker tools to keyword rank checkers and grammar checks, it provides a comprehensive range of features to improve your content’s quality and visibility.

You can analyze your website for SEO-related issues with the website SEO score checker, use the keyword suggestion tool to find relevant keywords and leverage the backlink checker to analyze your site’s backlink profile.

My favorite use case with Smallseotools is:

Start using the Plagiarism Checker to verify your content is unique, safeguarding against potential SEO penalties for duplicate content.

Then, employ the Keyword Position Checker to monitor where your blog stands in search engine rankings for targeted keywords, allowing you to adjust your strategy as needed.

Try Smallseotools

33. AlsoAsked

AlsoAsked website

AlsoAsked is a research tool that helps you explore the questions people ask about your main keyword, leveraging the “People Also Ask” boxes in Google search results.

By inputting a keyword, it maps out a tree of related questions, showing how they branch off from each other, which can inform your content strategy by identifying user intent and topical relevance.

My favorite use case with AlsoAsked is:

This is awesome to ensure you cover all questions within your topic.

Begin by inputting your main blog topic keyword into AlsoAsked to discover a wide array of related questions your target audience is actively searching for.

Try AlsoAsked

34. Keyworddit

Keyworddit website

Keyworddit is a unique keyword research tool that extracts keywords from Reddit, offering insights into various communities’ interests and queries.

By entering a subreddit name, you can uncover a wealth of related keywords and their monthly search volumes, providing a snapshot of what’s trending or of interest within that subreddit.

This tool allows you to tap into the vast, diverse discussions on Reddit, turning them into a valuable resource for identifying niche-specific keywords that might not be evident through traditional keyword research tools.

My favorite use case with Keyworddit is:

My favorite use case with Keyworddit is discovering untapped content ideas for my blog that resonate with my target audience.

Start by entering a subreddit that aligns with your blog’s niche to extract a list of keywords and phrases being discussed. Analyze the search volume data provided to identify high-interest topics with lower competition.

Try Keyworddit

35. Keyword Difficulty Checker

ahrefs Keyword Difficulty Checker

Keyword Difficulty is a metric used to estimate how hard it would be to rank for a specific keyword in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This score, typically ranging from 0 to 100, is calculated based on factors like the number and quality of backlinks to the top-ranking pages, domain authority, and content relevance.

My favorite use case with Keyword Difficulty Checker is:

This is just straightforward, where you can check how difficult a keyword is to rank. And as Ahrefs has the biggest database, it’s brilliant.

Begin by compiling a list of potential keywords for your upcoming blog topic. Use the Keyword Difficulty Checker to assess each keyword’s difficulty score, focusing on those with a moderate difficulty level that your website has a realistic chance of ranking for.

Try Keyword Difficulty Checker

36. Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator


Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator is a tool designed to simplify the creation of schema.org markup for your website, enhancing the way search engines interpret and display your content.

By selecting the type of schema markup you need (such as Article, Local Business, FAQ, etc.), you can fill out a straightforward form with the relevant details of your content.

My favorite use case with Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator is:

This is great for generating a schema for whatever you need, whether it’s for your blog posts or organization.

After finishing a blog post, select the “Article” schema type on the generator and input your post’s details, such as the title, author, and publish date.

Try Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator

37. Free Backlink Checker


The Free Backlink Checker is a powerful online tool that allows you to analyze the backlink profile of any website, including your own or your competitors.

By simply entering a URL, you can discover the total number of backlinks pointing to that site, the quality of these links, and the diversity of referring domains.

This tool provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a website’s backlink strategy, highlighting opportunities for improvement or competitive advantages.

My favorite use case with Free Backlink Checker is:

This is great for getting a quick overview of your best backlinks, according to Ahrefs.

Start by entering your blog’s URL to analyze its current backlinks, noting the referring domains’ quantity, quality, and diversity.

Try Free Backlink Checker

38. Hunter


Hunter is an online tool designed to help you find and verify professional email addresses associated with any domain, streamlining your outreach and networking efforts.

By entering a company’s domain into Hunter, you’re provided with a list of email addresses belonging to people who work there and information on their positions when available.

My favorite use case with Hunter is:

It’s brilliant for doing outreach for backlinks in any industry. Hunter just makes it simple, and you have all your outreach and leads in one place. Use it for sniper outreach, not shotgun outreach.

Try Hunter

39. Cloudflare


Cloudflare is a comprehensive web performance and security company that provides services to protect and accelerate any website online.

By acting as a reverse proxy between your website and its visitors, Cloudflare caches content and distributes it across its global network of servers, significantly reducing page load times.

It also protects your site from a variety of security threats, including DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and data breaches, by filtering and absorbing harmful traffic.

My favorite use case with Cloudflare is:

I run all my websites on Cloudflare because it’s free and it’s one of the 3 fastest DNS consistently worldwide.

You get a lot of extra optimization features so you can optimize your website on the DNS level, which is incredible.

Try Cloudflare

40. Shortpixel


ShortPixel is an online image optimization tool that compresses your images and PDF documents to reduce file size without significantly affecting quality, enhancing your website’s loading speed and performance.

Advanced compression technology can automatically optimize images uploaded to your website as well as bulk optimize existing images in various formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and WebP.

My favorite use case with Shortpixel is:

My favorite image optimization plugin, and I love optimizing images with this WordPress plugin. They make it so simple, and it runs automatically in the background.

Try Shortpixel

41. View Rendered Source

View Rendered Source website

View Rendered Source is a browser extension that provides an easy way to see the fully rendered HTML of a webpage, including changes made by JavaScript after the initial page load.

This tool is invaluable for developers and SEO professionals who need to understand how search engines view and index a website.

By comparing the raw HTML source code with the dynamically rendered version, you can identify discrepancies that might affect your site’s SEO performance.

My favorite use case with View Rendered Source is:

If you have dynamic content, this ensures search engines can render everything.

After publishing a new blog post that includes interactive elements or content loaded via JavaScript, use View Rendered Source to inspect the final rendered HTML.

Try View Rendered Source

42. SERP Checker

SERP Checker website

SERP Checker is a tool designed to analyze search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords, giving you insights into your website’s visibility on search engines.

By entering a keyword and selecting a location, you can see where your site ranks for that term in real-time, along with data on search volume, CPC (cost per click), and competition level.

My favorite use case with SERP Checker is:

This is great for getting a quick overview of how the search results look for a specific query in a specific country.

After publishing a blog tailored for a specific audience, say in the United States, use SERP Checker to track how well your post ranks for its main keyword in that country.

Try SERP Checker

43. Brightlocal’s Local SERP Checker

Brightlocal’s Local SERP Checker website

BrightLocal’s Local SERP Checker is a specialized tool designed to give you precise insights into search engine results pages (SERPs) for local searches.

By entering a keyword and a specific location, you can see exactly how your business or website ranks in Google’s local search results, including the Local Pack, for any city or town.

My favorite use case with Brightlocal’s Local SERP Checker is:

My favorite use case with Brightlocal’s Local SERP Checker is optimizing your blog content for local search to attract more visitors from your targeted geographic area.

After you’ve written a blog post tailored to a local event, trend, or business topic, use the Local SERP Checker to see how your post ranks in the search results for that locale.

Try Brightlocal’s Local SERP Checker

44. Google Data studio

Google Data studio website

Google Data Studio transforms your data into customizable informative reports and dashboards that are easily read, shared, and fully customizable.

Connecting to various data sources like Google Analytics, Google Ads, and even external databases allows you to visualize your data through interactive reports highlighting the insights you care about most.

My favorite use case with Google Data Studio Checker is:

My favorite use case with Google Data Studio is tracking and visualizing my blog’s SEO performance over time.

Connect Google Data Studio to your Google Analytics and Search Console accounts to pull in data related to your website traffic, bounce rates, session durations, and keyword rankings.

Try Google Data studio

45. Title Generator

Title Generator website

Title Generator is an online tool designed to spark creativity and help you generate compelling titles for your articles, blog posts, or emails.

By inputting a few key terms related to your content, the tool offers a variety of title suggestions that can capture the interest of your target audience.

It leverages algorithms to produce creative, engaging, and relevant titles that can increase click-through rates and reader engagement.

My favorite use case with Title Generator is:

If I’m off ideas for naming my blog posts, I use this to get some ideas for generating some blog post titles.

Try Title Generator

46. Meta Description Generator


The Meta Description Generator is a tool designed to help you craft concise, compelling meta descriptions for your web pages, which are crucial for improving click-through rates from search engine results pages (SERPs).

By inputting key details about your content, the tool uses algorithms to generate SEO-friendly meta descriptions that encapsulate the essence of your pages while incorporating targeted keywords.

My favorite use case with Meta Description Generator is:

If you don’t know how to write your meta description, this one is great, at least for ideation. Describe your blog post, and let the tool cover the rest.

Try Meta Description Generator

47. Ahrefs’ SEO WordPress Plugin

Ahrefs SEO WordPress Plugin website

Ahrefs’ SEO WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool designed to enhance your website’s SEO directly from your WordPress dashboard.

It provides detailed content audits, allowing you to analyze your posts and pages for SEO performance and receive actionable recommendations for improvement.

The plugin integrates seamlessly with Ahrefs’ backlink and keyword data, offering insights into how well your site ranks for specific keywords and how your backlink profile affects your SEO.

My favorite use case with Ahrefs’ SEO WordPress Plugin is:

The WordPress plugin from Ahrefs is super simple to use, but it’s great for highlighting what to optimize about your content.

Try Ahrefs’ SEO WordPress Plugin

48. Google Business Profile


Google Business Profile Manager is a free tool that allows you to manage your business’s presence across Google, including Search and Maps.

By verifying and editing your business information, you can help customers find your business and tell them your story. You can post updates, respond to reviews, and add photos to highlight what makes your business unique.

My favorite use case with Google Business Profile Manager is:

Everyone should do this. Create a Google Business Profile for your website. It shows trust to Google, but also your visitors searching for you.

Try Google Business Profile Manager

49. Claude

Claude website

Claude, an AI-powered tool, is designed to assist you in creating content that’s optimized for search engines.

It helps you identify and integrate relevant keywords seamlessly into your blog posts, ensuring they are both reader-friendly and likely to rank higher in search results.

The tool can analyze current SEO trends and suggest topics that are likely to engage your target audience while improving your website’s visibility.

My favorite use case with Claude is:

Claude is awesome, like ChatGPT, for getting to know my target audience for a specific piece of blog post, but it’s also awesome for writing listicles.

Try Claude

50. Woorank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool


Woorank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool is a comprehensive web service that evaluates your website’s SEO performance and provides actionable insights to improve it.

By simply entering your website’s URL, you receive an instant analysis covering critical areas such as site usability, mobile friendliness, and social media engagement.

My favorite use case with Woorank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool is:

My favorite use case with Woorank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool is conducting a thorough audit of my domain to show SEO weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.

After publishing new content, input your blog’s URL into the tool to get an instant overview of how well it’s optimized for search engines.

Try Woorank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool

51. Animalz Revive


Animalz Revive is a tool specifically designed to breathe new life into your older content, ensuring it drives traffic and remains relevant in search engine rankings.

By analyzing your website’s analytics, Animalz Revive identifies blog posts that have lost traffic over time and suggests actionable revisions to improve their SEO and performance.

My favorite use case with Animalz Revive is:

Animalz Revive is awesome at identifying and updating underperforming blog posts to boost their rankings and traffic.

After connecting your content analytics, use Animalz Revive to pinpoint posts that have seen a decline in organic search traffic over the past few months.

Try Animalz Revive

52. CanIRank

CanlRank website

CanIRank is an AI-powered SEO software designed to provide actionable insights and recommendations rather than just data.

It analyzes your website and identifies specific actions you can take to improve your rankings on search engines.

By comparing your site to competitors already ranking for your target keywords, CanIRank offers personalized advice on outperforming them, focusing on factors like content strength, keyword optimization, and backlink profiles.

My favorite use case with CanIRank is:

If you simply can’t rank a page or blog post, then run it through CanIRank to see what you’re missing. It’s awesome.

Try CanIRank

53. Google Lighthouse


Google Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool designed to improve the quality of web pages. It provides audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.

By running Lighthouse, you receive a detailed report on your web page, highlighting strengths and improvement areas with actionable suggestions.My favorite use case with Google Lighthouse is:This is just like Google PageSpeed Insights, but as a Chrome extension, it works awesomely. It helps you speed up your website, and that’s what I’m using it for.Try Google Lighthouse54. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test


Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test is a tool designed to evaluate how well your website performs on mobile devices.

By simply entering your web page’s URL, the test analyzes your site and reports whether it is mobile-friendly according to Google’s criteria, including readability of text, ease of navigation, and the scalability of content on smaller screens.

My favorite use case with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test is:

My favorite use case with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test is ensuring that each new blog post provides an optimal viewing experience on mobile devices, which is essential for maintaining high SEO rankings.

After publishing a new blog post, run the URL through the Mobile-Friendly Test to identify any mobile usability issues.

Try Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

55. Seoquake


Seoquake is a powerful browser extension that provides you with detailed SEO analytics for any webpage you visit, including key metrics like PageRank, Alexa Rank, and the number of backlinks.

It allows you to perform on-the-fly audits of webpages, showing you how they’re optimized for search engines.

With Seoquake, you can also compare URLs and domains in real time, giving you insights into your competitors’ SEO strategies.

My favorite use case with Seoquake is:

This is great for a quick analysis of your website, how it is set, how the on-page SEO, and the overall performance. It’s a simple Chrome Extension that works well.

Try Seoquake

56. Seed Keywords


Seed Keywords are the foundational keywords that broadly define your niche or the main topics of your content, serving as the cornerstone of your SEO and keyword research strategies.

You use these short, often one or two-word phrases to identify and expand upon with longer, more specific keywords or phrases, known as long-tail keywords.

My favorite use case with Seed Keywords is:

My favorite use case with Seed Keywords is creating a scenario where I ask my target audience how they would search for a specific topic or product related to my website blogs.

I use their responses to generate a list of seed keywords, which are the natural, unfiltered search terms real users might use.

Try Seed Keywords

57. GTmetrix


GTMetrix is a web performance analysis tool that allows you to test your website’s loading speed and overall performance. It provides you with a set of scores, including PageSpeed and YSlow grades, to help you understand how well your site performs on various fronts.

By analyzing your website with GTMetrix, you receive actionable recommendations on optimizing your site, such as minimizing JavaScript and CSS files, leveraging browser caching, and optimizing images.

My favorite use case with GTMetrix is:

I run my websites through GTMetrix weekly to ensure everything is in order; my website is loading fast and has no issues.

Try GTMetrix

58. Schema.org


Schema.org is a collaborative community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, web pages, email messages, and beyond.

It provides you with a collection of shared vocabularies that you can use to markup your web pages in ways that major search engines, including Google, Microsoft, Yandex, and Yahoo, can understand.

My favorite use case with Schema.org is:

I use Rank Math SEO for my schema generation, but if I need to validate it, then I use Schema to ensure everything is correct.

Try Schema.org

59. Seobility


Seobility is a comprehensive SEO tool designed to help you monitor your website’s search engine optimization performance.

It crawls all the pages of your website, identifying issues like broken links, slow-loading pages, and problems with your site’s on-page optimization, including meta tags and content quality.

My favorite use case with Seobility is:

My favorite use case with Seobility is identifying and fixing on-page SEO issues across my website blogs to enhance their visibility and rankings.

After running a site audit, Seobility flags issues such as missing meta descriptions, poor keyword usage, and broken links.

Try Seobility

60. Ubersuggest


Ubersuggest is a versatile SEO tool that equips you with insights into your competitors’ strategies, keyword suggestions, and content ideas to improve your website’s search engine rankings.

It offers an in-depth look at the keywords your competitors are ranking for and the backlinks contributing to their rankings, enabling you to identify new opportunities for your SEO strategy.

My favorite use case with Ubersuggest is:

My favorite use case with Ubersuggest is leveraging its keyword research capabilities to optimize my blog content for better search engine visibility. It’s just like Google Keyword Planner.

I start by inputting a broad topic related to my niche, and Ubersuggest provides a list of long-tail keywords with lower competition but high search volume.

Try Ubersuggest

61. Similarweb Browser Extension


The Similarweb Browser Extension is a powerful tool that provides you with instant analytics and insights about any website you visit directly from your browser.

With a single click, you can access a wealth of data, including website traffic and engagement statistics, such as monthly visits, visit duration, bounce rate, and traffic sources.

My favorite use case with Similarweb Browser Extension is:

My favorite use case with Similarweb Browser Extension is benchmarking my website blogs against top competitors to uncover new opportunities for traffic growth.

Visiting a competitor’s blog instantly shows their traffic sources, keywords, and audience engagement metrics.

Try Similarweb Browser Extension



BROWSEO is a web-based tool that allows you to view any webpage without distractions caused by styles, giving you a clear view of how search engines see your website.

It strips down the site to its essential SEO elements, including meta tags, headings, internal and external links, and texts, enabling you to analyze the underlying structure.

My favorite use case with BROWSEO is:

It is great to visit your website through the lens of a search engine to understand how they read it.

By entering the URL of a blog post into BROWSEO, I immediately see the content free of CSS styling, which highlights how well my content is displayed and whether my headings and meta tags are effectively optimized.


63. Grammarly

grammarly website

Grammarly is a digital writing assistant that checks your text for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors, helping you improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing.

It uses advanced algorithms to identify potential issues in your text and suggests context-specific corrections.

My favorite use case with Grammarly is:

Grammarly is my right-hand tool; I can’t live without it. It helps me fix the grammar on all my content, including this blog post you’re reading.

Try Grammarly

64. Mozbar


MozBar is a free Chrome extension that provides you with instant metrics while viewing any page or SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

It offers critical SEO data at a glance, including Page Authority (PA), Domain Authority (DA), and link profile analysis for any website you visit. With MozBar, you can easily assess the SEO strength of your competitors and your own site, enabling quick comparisons.

My favorite use case with Mozbar is:

My favorite use case with MozBar is evaluating the SEO strength of my website blogs compared to competitors’.

By activating MozBar while browsing my blog posts and those of my competitors, I quickly gather data on Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA), key search engine ranking potential indicators.

Try MozBar

65. Panguin Tool


The Panguin Tool is a free online tool that allows you to analyze your website’s traffic in relation to Google’s algorithm updates.

By connecting to your Google Analytics account, it overlays your traffic data with the timeline of Google’s updates, such as Penguin, Panda, and Core updates, enabling you to pinpoint any fluctuations in your website traffic that correlate with these updates.

My favorite use case with Panguin Tool is:

My favorite use case with Panguin Tool is diagnosing sudden changes in my website blog traffic by correlating them with Google’s algorithm updates.

After noticing a drop in traffic, I connected my Google Analytics account to Panguin Tool and immediately saw my traffic overlayed with the timeline of Google’s updates.

Try Panguin Tool

66. Wordtracker Scout


Wordtracker Scout is a Chrome extension that offers you a powerful way to discover what keywords are being used on any webpage you visit, including your competitors’.

With a simple click, it analyzes the page and provides you with a comprehensive list of keywords, along with insights such as search volume, competition, and IAAT (in anchor and text) metrics for each keyword.

My favorite use case with Wordtracker Scout is:

My favorite use case with Wordtracker Scout is enhancing my blog posts by uncovering and targeting the effective keywords used by top-performing competitors.

By browsing through competitors’ blogs that rank well for my desired topics, I activate Wordtracker Scout to analyze their content and extract a list of keywords they’re successfully ranking for.

Try Wordtracker Scout

67. Lipperhey


Lipperhey is an online SEO service that analyzes and evaluates your website for optimization, usability, and technical performance.

By simply entering your website’s URL, Lipperhey provides a comprehensive analysis, including how well your site scores in search engine visibility, the quality of its content, and its technical setup.

My favorite use case with Lipperhey is:

My favorite use case with Lipperhey is optimizing my website blogs’ SEO and user experience to drive more organic traffic.

After publishing a new article, I enter its URL into Lipperhey to receive a detailed analysis of its performance across key SEO metrics.

Try Lipperhey

68. Bing Webmaster Tools


Bing Webmaster Tools is a free service provided by Microsoft that offers you comprehensive insights and reports on your website’s visibility on the Bing search engine.

By verifying your site with Bing Webmaster Tools, you gain access to detailed reports on search traffic, performance, and the health of your site, including indexing status and crawl errors.

My favorite use case with Bing Webmaster Tools is:

I use this to measure my performance on Bing and run a site audit to check that my website is perfectly optimized.

You can also get an idea of what keywords your content is missing. It’s great.

Try Bing Webmaster Tools

69. Dareboost


Dareboost is a powerful web performance monitoring and testing tool that enables you to analyze your website’s speed and overall user experience.

By entering your site’s URL, Dareboost provides a detailed report on your website’s loading time, page size, and the number of requests, pinpointing specific performance bottlenecks.

My favorite use case with Dareboost is:

My favorite use case with Dareboost is optimizing the loading speed of my website blogs to improve search engine rankings and user experience significantly.

After publishing a blog, I run a Dareboost test to identify performance issues, such as slow-loading images or inefficient use of scripts.

Try Dareboost

70. Siteliner

Siteliner Website

Siteliner is an online tool that scans your website to identify issues that could affect your site’s search engine ranking, such as duplicate content, broken links, and pages with high load times.

By entering your website’s URL, Siteliner meticulously crawls your site, providing a detailed report that highlights areas of concern.

My favorite use case with Siteliner is:

My favorite use case with Siteliner is ensuring the uniqueness of my website blogs to avoid SEO penalties for duplicate content.

After I draft new blog posts, I run my website through Siteliner to scan for any duplicate content internally or across the web.

Try Siteliner

71. KWFinder

KWFinder website

KWFinder is a specialized keyword research tool that helps you find long-tail keywords with low SEO difficulty.

By entering a seed keyword, KWFinder displays a list of related keywords, complete with detailed metrics such as search volume, trend, cost per click (CPC), and level of competition in PPC and SEO.

My favorite use case with KWFinder is:

My favorite use case with KWFinder is uncovering low-competition long-tail keywords for my blog topics to ensure they rank higher on search engine results pages.

Before I start writing a new blog post, I input a broad keyword related to my topic into KWFinder to discover niche keywords that have high search volumes but low SEO difficulty.

Try KWFinder

72. Bulk Google Rank Checker


A Bulk Google Rank Checker is a tool you use to quickly assess the positions of multiple URLs in Google’s search engine results for specific keywords.

It allows you to input a list of keywords along with your website’s URLs to see where each page ranks for those terms. This tool saves you time by eliminating the need to manually search for each keyword to find your site’s ranking.

My favorite use case with Bulk Google Rank Checker is:

My favorite use case with Bulk Google Rank Checker is tracking the performance of your website’s blog posts for targeted keywords.

Suppose you’ve recently optimized several posts around specific keywords aimed at boosting your SEO.

Try Bulk Google Rank Checker


There might be more free SEO tools I’ve missed, but just remember, sometimes, if you go for the free version of an SEO tool, you’ll also miss out on features.

So, always ask yourself whether it’s worth proceeding with the free version rather than upgrading.

Many of the free SEO tools I’m using are because they’re simply free and don’t have a paid plan.


Picture of Phillip Stemann
Phillip Stemann
I'm Phillip, and I've been in the SEO game since 2020, where I took it under the skin. I've grown multiple websites to thousands of clicks, and I'm sharing all my SEO knowledge through my content and YouTube channel. I started as a curious mind at 13 years old, programming and programming for many years before I discovered SEO. I then started with the technical part of SEO as it came naturally to me with my technical background, and then I took on all parts of SEO. I love helping other people grow their websites, and I help my clients do the same.

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