Keyword Chef Review: Thousands Of Low-Competition Keywords

Have you ever tried a keyword research tool where all you get back is keywords with great search volumes, but they’re impossible to pursue because the competition is so high?

I’ve tried this numerous times, so I was super excited when I found Keyword Chef.

Let’s dive in and test it.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Use Keyword Chef’s Google Autosuggest integration to find low-competition keywords.
  • Use credits to analyse the keywords even further to figure out what keywords to pursue.
  • Use niche insights to find new niches or research your current niche for more information.

Pros And Cons Using Keyword Chef

Keyword Chef is a super simple keyword research tool to use, but it has its pros and cons. Here they are.

Pros of Keyword Chef

Cons of Keyword Chef

keyword chef website
Find lucrative keywords at ease

Keyword Chef

My Quick Take

Keyword Chef utilising Google Autosuggest is such an interesting take on performing a keyword research.

Even though it might require a bit more work, you get so many interesting keywords you would never think of.


What Is Keyword Chef?

keyword chef website

Keyword Chef is a keyword research tool that, instead of using a database of keywords, uses Google Autosuggest to find keywords.

By doing this then, they ensure people are performing these searches instead of having to guess based on a database.

It’s a super interesting approach, and it’s just like how LowFruits does it, but they have some different functionality as well.

With niche insights, then you can analyse your niche and find keywords, trends and top performers in your niche.

With top performers, you can see who you should be inspired by with your content.

Overall it’s really an interesting keyword research tool.


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Keyword Chef Review Features

Keyword Chef has primarily 3 modules, where 2 of the modules belong to each other, but I’ll take you through all 3 and share my opinion.

Let’s get into it.

Niche Insights: Research Your Niche Or Find A New Niche

keyword chef Niche Insights - Research Your Niche Or Find A New Niche

The niche insights is an interesting module, and it’s a way to start from a high level and work your way down to find relevant keywords.

You can either click on a category or search on a niche, and they really have a lot of niches. Just by searching for WordPress, it found 26 niches.

For each niche, you get the following data points:

  • Title
  • Search volume
  • CPC
  • Description
  • Trend
  • Keywords
  • Products
  • Top performers

Many of these are self-explanatory, but I’ll live into the last 4.

The trend is an image from Google Trends where you can see whether people are searching for your niche or not.

Keywords are a list of keywords related to your niche that you can use to create reports. If your site is new, I wouldn’t recommend you pursue these keywords. Just use them for the Discover module to find profitable keywords.

Products is an overview of affiliated products you can write content for and make an earning. This is an awesome way to mix your blog post content with multiple formats and includes affiliate links.

Lastly, top performers are a list of websites doing well in your niche that you can use for inspiration. If you’re ever in doubt about your next blog post, seek a top performer and get inspired.

Overall I think this is an awesome way to start your journey of finding quality keywords. Choose your niche, click on keywords and use these keywords as your seed keyword when you run a discover report, which I’ll explain in the next section.

Discover: Perform A Keyword Research For Low-Competition Keywords

keyword chef Discover - Perform A Keyword Research For Low-Competition Keywords

Keyword Chef’s Discover module is where you perform your keyword research based on a seed keyword or a keyword from one of your content silos.

Simply enter your keyword in the search bar, and then you get a long list of keywords related to the keyword you searched for.

All these keywords are a mix of competitive keywords and search phrases which are easier to rank for.

The only keyword filter you have is the word filter, where Keyword Chef tries to categorise all your keywords.

From here, you mark the keywords you want to create a report for and get average search volume and more data.

Be aware that each keyword you analyse costs you 1 credit, so ensure you only analyse keywords you believe in.

keyword chef discover keywords

And then it looks like this, so for each keyword, you get the following:

  • Average search volume
  • Highest search volume
  • Lowest search volume
  • Overview of the SERP on the keyword

I feel we’re missing at least a keyword difficulty score, maybe based on the domain rating on the keyword and even some CPC data as well.

But you do get monthly searches which are the most important because, from that, you can open the SERP and look through the domain rating to define the keyword difficulty score yourself.

Another thing I’m missing is keyword filters. LowFruits is so good at adding filters which makes it easy to find the keywords I’m looking for.

We do have some filter options, but we can only filter on the following:

  • Average search volume
  • SERP Score
  • Missing YouTube video
  • Missing snippet

Don’t get me wrong, these filters are great, but we need more filters, which require that Keyword Chef implements domain rating and a keyword difficulty score.

We do have some extra filters in the report settings where you can choose what website types to count towards the SERP score.

You can also add your own website to see how it ranks and ignore specific websites like Quora, Reddit etc.

My Reports: Get An Overview Of Your Analysed Keywords

keyword chef My Reports - Get An Overview Of Your Analysed Keywords

The reports module is super simple, it’s just an overview of all the keyword research reports you’ve run, and here you can archive or delete the reports.

I wish Keyword Chef would add some capabilities to help us create some Keyword Clusters and even add custom keywords as well.

With this type of functionality, we could improve our content creation by working from a topical map and achieving topical authority much faster.

However, you can still do that manually, but it would be great to see that functionality.

Alternatives To Keyword Chef

Keyword Chef is taking a unique approach, and there are not many other tools out there using Google Autosuggest like this.

I’ve found 2 alternatives I feel are close to Keyword Chef.


LowFruits is super similar to Keyword Chef, and it also uses Google autosuggest to find relevant keywords based on your seed keyword.

On top of this, they have more filtering options and overall better research on domain ratings.

And they have more tools to help you perform a keyword research, but ultimately, it’s up to you what tool fits you best.

lowfruits website
rankiq website


RankIQ does not use Google Autosuggest to find lucrative keywords. RankIQ has a database of manually found keywords.

And this is super interesting because SEO experts manually vet all these keywords.

And this is something super unique, and the only downside is that the database might become outdated faster than tools using Google autosuggest.

Who Is Keyword Chef Made For?

Keyword Chef is for you if you’re a content creator or blogger.

There are so many keyword tools giving you keywords based on a database. But Keyword Chef finds long-tail keywords which are easy to rank for in your niche.

So if you’ve tried the problem with another SEO tool where you performed a keyword research just to see a lot of keywords with high competition, then Keyword Chef is for you.

If you’re an established website with a high domain rating, then Keyword Chef might not be the best tool for you.

It’s best for niche sites which are fairly small or in a growing phase of finding keyword phrases to rank for.

Wrap-Up: Is Keyword Chef Worth It?

Yes, Keyword Chef is worth it. You get so much functionality about your search volume on your long-tail keywords.

And everything is based on Google Autosuggest, which ensures that people are actually performing these keyword searches.

You’ll sometimes experience spending more time doing your research, but it’s still faster than doing it manually in search engines.

And with the option to perform a wildcard search or a search for a specific search term, well, this makes Keyword Chef even better.

So I can only recommend you sign up for a free trial and find your profitable keywords.

Keyword Chef Review FAQ

Is Keyword Chef Expensive?

No, Keyword Chef is not expensive. You can start for free with 1000 credits, but you can also pay-as-you-go and buy credits which never expire. You can get 1200 credits for $20.

Is Keyword Chef free?

Yes, Keyword Chef is free to use. When you sign up for a trial, you get 1000 credits entirely free. And you can run as many reports as you want without using any credits. It's only when you analyse your keywords that you spend credits.

keyword chef website
In-depth niche insights

Keyword Chef

My Last Thoughts

Not only is Keyword Chef brilliant for keyword research by using Google autosuggest.

You also get access to an entire module with niche insights to get more information on your niche or find a new niche.

Keyword Chef
Keyword Chef Review Thousands Of Low Competition Keywords

Keyword Chef is an SEO tool perfect for keyword research for newer niche sites. In my Keyword Chef review I show how to find lucrative keywords.

Editor's Rating:


  • Get thousands of keyword ideas from Google Autosuggest.
  • You get 1000 credits for free when you sign up for a trial.
  • Search for your niche to get insights into keywords, trends and top performers.


  • Analysing a lot of keywords requires a lot of credits which are paid.
  • Missing more advanced filtering options.
Picture of Phillip Stemann
Phillip Stemann
I'm Phillip, and I've been in the SEO game since 2020, where I took it under the skin. I've grown multiple websites to thousands of clicks, and I'm sharing all my SEO knowledge through my content and YouTube channel. I started as a curious mind at 13 years old, programming and programming for many years before I discovered SEO. I then started with the technical part of SEO as it came naturally to me with my technical background, and then I took on all parts of SEO. I love helping other people grow their websites, and I help my clients do the same.

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Keyword Chef Review: Thousands Of Low-Competition Keywords

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