Wope Review Features
What’s exciting about this review is the actual features and how they work.
There is an overview and primarily 2 main modules, each with 3 sub-modules. I’ll dive into each of them and give my opinion on the submodules.
Overview: How Is It Going With Your Rankings?
The overview is a great place to start, where you’ll get a quick overview of how it’s going with your website.
You can change the graph at the top to show traffic, ad value, or one of the many other options.
I really like the traffic option. It does not depend on your Google Search Console data or Google Analytics, and it’s based on what Wope estimates your traffic should be based on the keywords you’re ranking for.
Then, based on your rankings, Wope uses a formula to calculate how many clicks you get, and then they get a traffic number.
This means the traffic number is for organic traffic only. It’s not precise, but it gives a good indication.
Scroll further down to see what tags perform well.
Keywords are a bit further down where you can see today’s winners and losers.
At the bottom, you can see an overview of your competitors, and I really like this overview because it does what it’s supposed to do: Give me a quick overview, and then I can dive into each element from there.
Performance: Your Rank Tracker Isolated
This is where you easily get an overview of your rankings and get some data on each keyword. See this as your personalized rank tracker only for your keyword tracking.
You get the following data:
- Search volume
- Ranking
- Change
- Visibility ranking
- Pixel ranking
- Visibility ranking
- Traffic
- Ads value
- Opportunity
- Traffic share
- SERP Features
The cool part? You can even show 19 metrics more, and it’s really a powerhouse of a ranking tool. It surprises me every day, and I love finding new features.
As you can see in the image, they also offer pixel tracking, which is how many pixels there are from the top of the screen and down to your search result on Google.
Take this as a pixel rank estimation, as Google constantly changes its design. It’s not an exact tracking, but the pixel rank estimation gives you an idea of how far down the page you’re located.
You can also click on a keyword to get even more data, which is so cool.
Not only can you see how you’re ranking over time, but you can also compare the SERP, see SERP features, and so much more.
Back to what I said earlier, it’s a data powerhouse.
You can also see when the keyword is predicted to trend, generate a brief for the keyword, and so much more.
You can probably feel how much in love I am with this tool. I rarely see SEO tools with this amount of data except for Ahrefs and Semrush.
There are 2 other modules as well: Daily Progress and Volume Trends.
These are great for measuring your performance on a keyword daily.
The same goes for the volume trends module, where you can see how many searches are done on your keywords over time.
Yes, even more data. You have to love data, right?