
20 Advanced On-Page SEO Techniques In 2024

Advanced on-page SEO goes beyond the basics, diving into the depths of schema markup, ensuring fine-tuning of on-page optimization, and bolstering topical relevance.

Employing advanced strategies and adhering to SEO best practices, webmasters can signal the quality and context of their content to search engines, leading to better rankings and visibility.

It’s about optimizing every element on a website with a strategic approach. Advanced on-page SEO includes working with meta tags, images, content structuring, and internal linking to create a cohesive and user-friendly experience that search engines can easily understand and rank accordingly.

Why Is On-Page SEO Important?

On-page SEO is crucial because it tells search engines what your website and its pages are about and how relevant they are to users’ search queries. It’s about more than just inserting keywords; it’s about creating valuable content that serves the needs of your audience.

Regularly updating your content keeps your website fresh and more likely to rank well. Following SEO best practices for on-page SEO also improves the user experience.

This means providing clear navigation, fast loading times, and content that answers users’ questions. More than cramming keywords, on-page SEO involves structuring information in a way that’s digestible for both users and search engines.

On-page SEO can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates when done right. It’s the foundation of a strong SEO strategy, setting the stage for successful off-page SEO efforts and long-term digital success.

advanced on page seo

On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the optimizations you can apply directly within your website, such as content creation, title tags, and proper use of keywords.

It’s all about making your site more accessible and understandable to search engines, ensuring each page is finely tuned to target specific topics and keywords.

Off-page SEO, on the other hand, focuses on increasing the authority of your domain by getting links from other websites. It’s a way to show search engines that other platforms find your content valuable enough to link to, thus boosting your credibility and rankings.

While both are essential, on-page SEO provides the groundwork for your site’s content to be deemed worthy of high rankings. Off-page SEO amplifies that worthiness across the web, helping you to gain visibility and traffic from a wider audience.

20 Best Advanced On-Page SEO Techniques 

Advanced on-page SEO techniques are the tools that can take your website to the next level of visibility and user engagement. These involve a sophisticated approach to SEO optimization, including the strategic use of long-tail keywords and ensuring that target keywords are effectively incorporated into your content.

These techniques encompass a range of SEO content improvements, from optimizing alt text for images to refining anchor text and leveraging artificial intelligence. They are designed to attract search engines with primary keyword placement and provide a superior user experience.

1. Reoptimize Old Content

Content marketing is an ongoing process, and reoptimizing old content can breathe new life into pages that may have lost their edge in the search rankings. By updating information and keywords on your page, you confirm to Google that your page remains relevant and valuable to users.

Google’s “How Search Works” guide emphasizes the importance of high-quality content that meets users’ needs. Reoptimization ensures that your content stays in line with current search trends and continues to attract traffic over time. Consider these points to reoptimize old content on your website:

  • Freshen up Information: Update statistics, facts, and outdated information to ensure accuracy. Providing the latest information can boost credibility and user engagement.
  • Improve Readability and Structure: Break down lengthy paragraphs, use subheadings, and improve the overall readability of the content. A well-structured article will retain user attention and perform well in search results.
  • Social Media Integration: If the content is shareable, update social media integration to encourage sharing. Social signals can indirectly impact SEO.

2. Keyword Usage

The art of on-page optimization is primarily centered around strategic keyword usage. It’s about understanding where and how to use keywords to maximize their impact without overstuffing or appearing unnatural to readers and search engines.

Keywords should be naturally integrated into the content, headings, and meta tags to improve the page’s relevance and visibility for those terms. The balance between readability and optimization is key to success in on-page SEO.

The following are some important points to improve keyword usage for advanced on-page SEO:

  • Semantic Keyword Integration: Incorporate related and semantic keywords to provide a comprehensive context for search engines. This helps search engines understand the relevance and depth of your content.
  • LSI Keywords: Diversify your keyword strategy by using Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords. These are terms related to your main keywords and contribute to more natural and contextually rich content.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Target long-tail keywords to capture specific, niche audience segments. Long-tail keywords often have less competition and can attract highly targeted traffic.
  • Keyword Variations: Include variations of your primary keywords throughout the content. This provides a more natural flow and caters to users’ different search queries.
  • Strategic Placement: Place keywords strategically in the title, meta description, and URL. Ensure a natural and compelling use of keywords, avoiding keyword stuffing, which can negatively impact user experience and rankings.
  • Keyword Mapping: Develop a comprehensive keyword map for your website. Assign specific keywords to different pages based on their relevance and thematic focus.

3. Use Animated Images to Improve Time On Page

Animated images can significantly improve the time visitors spend on a page, which is a factor in Google rankings. When used appropriately, these visuals can capture attention and engage visitors, potentially influencing ranking factors.

However, optimizing your images for SEO is crucial. This ensures they load quickly and are indexed by search engines. Using original images rather than stock photos can further enhance the uniqueness of your content for SEO.

Tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool can help you optimize image loading times.

4. Conduct an SEO Audit for Your Website

An SEO audit comprehensively reviews your website’s current standing in various SEO aspects. It’s a critical first step in identifying areas for improvement and prioritizing SEO tactics, including “link building” and off-page SEO strategies.

By following an SEO checklist, you can systematically apply advanced SEO techniques to enhance your website’s performance. An audit lays the groundwork for a targeted approach to improving your website’s search engine visibility and user experience.

Consider these points to conduct a successful SEO audit for your website:

Crawl Your Website: 

  • Use tools like Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, or other SEO crawlers to analyze how search engines crawl and index your pages.
  • Identify and address crawl errors, such as broken links or inaccessible pages.

Evaluate Page Speed:

  • Assess the loading speed of your pages using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix.
  • Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minimize HTTP requests to improve loading times.

Mobile-Friendly Testing:

  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly by using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.
  • Optimize for responsive design and user experience on various devices.

Review Title Tags and Meta Descriptions:

  • Craft compelling and descriptive title tags and meta descriptions for each page.
  • Ensure they are within recommended character limits and contain relevant keywords.

Check URL Structure:

  • Optimize your URL structure for both users and search engines. Use descriptive, concise, and keyword-rich URLs.
  • Implement hyphens to separate words, avoiding underscores or other characters.

Content Quality and Relevance:

  • Assess the quality and relevance of your content. Is it up-to-date, informative, and engaging?
  • Identify and update thin or outdated content and ensure it aligns with user intent.

5. Use Keyword-Rich Title Tags

Title tags hold significant weight in Google search results, acting as a primary indicator of a page’s content. Using keyword-rich title tags can help your pages rank better in Google’s search engine, as they highlight the content’s main topic.

Utilizing “SEO tools” like keyword research tools can help you find the right terms to include in your title tags, ensuring they are aligned with the search queries your target audience is using.

6. Create Content Hubs

Content hubs strategically draw in organic traffic by providing a centralized location for relevant content. They serve as a resource for users, offering them a comprehensive guide on a particular topic or theme.

Organizing and linking related content effectively within these hubs can enhance the user experience and keep visitors engaged longer, which can contribute positively to your website’s search engine performance.

advanced on page seo

7. Built Out Topic Clusters

Building out topic clusters is an effective SEO strategy that enhances topical relevance and establishes a website as an authority in a particular niche.

This involves creating a series of interlinked pages related to a central topic, with a pillar page broadly covering the topic and cluster pages addressing specific aspects in more detail. 

By doing so, search engines can easily recognize the breadth and depth of content on the site, improving its visibility in 2024. Topic clusters are beneficial for SEO and user navigation, as they provide a structured way to explore related content. 

This approach requires careful planning and organization, but when executed well, it can significantly boost organic rankings, as search engines favor websites that offer comprehensive coverage of a topic with a clear and logical content structure.

8. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

In 2024, optimizing a website for mobile devices is crucial, as the majority of internet traffic now comes from smartphones and tablets. A mobile-friendly site ensures that content is easily readable and navigable on smaller screens, with a responsive design that adjusts layout elements to fit the device being used.

Mobile optimization can dramatically improve user experience, which in turn can lead to better engagement and conversion rates. Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-optimized sites when displaying search results on mobile devices. 

This means that websites not optimized for mobile may suffer in search rankings, making it essential to ensure that all site elements, from navigation menus to images and videos, are mobile-friendly. Regular testing on various devices helps maintain a seamless mobile experience.

9. Look At Internal Links, Backlinks, Broken Links, and Permalinks

For a well-structured website, adding internal links is key to helping users navigate and distributing page authority throughout the site. Internal links connect different website pages, guiding users to relevant content and keeping them engaged longer. 

Additionally, ensuring that external links point to reputable and relevant sites can enhance credibility. SEO practitioners should also regularly check for and fix broken links, which can detract from user experience and harm SEO efforts.

Permalinks, the permanent URLs of individual pages and posts, should be clear and descriptive. They contribute to a site’s overall structure and, when optimized, can boost SEO. 

Using keywords and ensuring each page has a unique permalink improves the likelihood of being “indexed pages” by search engines. This makes content more discoverable and can enhance a site’s visibility in search engine results.

10. Add Schema Markup to Your Website

Adding schema markup is a sophisticated method for helping search engines better understand a website’s content. Schema markup, a form of structured data, helps search engines interpret the context of information, enabling more informative user results.

 Implementing schema can lead to enhanced displays in SERPs, such as rich snippets, which can improve click-through rates. Applying schema markup involves embedding specific code on a website that defines and organizes the content for search engines.

This can include information such as product prices, customer reviews, or event dates. By providing this detailed information directly to search engines, websites can increase the likelihood of their content being featured in rich search results, which can be highly beneficial for drawing in organic traffic.

11. Maximize SERP Real Estate

Advanced on-page SEO includes strategies to maximize a page’s real estate on Google search results. Rich snippets, which are enhanced search listings, can include additional information like images, star ratings, and price ranges. 

These eye-catching features can increase a site’s visibility and improve click-through rates. Earning a spot in a ranking in a featured snippet, which often appears at the very top of the search results, can drive significant traffic to a site.

To maximize SERP real estate, webmasters should focus on creating high-quality, informative content that directly answers common queries related to their niche.

Structured data and schema markup can help Google understand the content and context of a page, increasing the chances of the page being featured in rich snippets or as a featured snippet itself.

It’s a competitive space, but a site can stand out in the crowded digital landscape with the right content and markup.

12. Create a Comments Section

Adding a comments section to a web page can enrich user engagement and provide valuable user-generated content, improving on-page SEO. By allowing users to leave comments, webmasters can foster a community around their content, encouraging repeat visits and longer page dwell times. 

These interactions signal to search engines that the content is valuable and engaging to visitors. However, managing the comments section effectively is important to prevent spam and maintain quality.

Moderating comments for relevance and appropriateness ensures that the discussion contributes positively to the page’s content and overall user experience. Engaging with commenters can also demonstrate a site’s responsiveness, further enhancing its reputation among users and search engines.

13. Leverage Paid Ads for Link Building

While paid ads are typically seen as a direct marketing tool, they can also be an indirect means of enhancing aspects of SEO.

In 2024, leveraging paid ads for link building involves strategically placing content in locations likely to attract the attention of influencers, bloggers, and other website owners who might link back to the content naturally.

The goal is to increase visibility and drive traffic to high-quality content that others will want to share. This can lead to an increase in organic backlinks, which are a strong ranking factor for search engines.

It’s important to note that the links themselves are not bought; rather, the visibility that leads to natural link building is what’s being invested in through paid ads.

14. Research User Experience and Behavior

Studying user experience and behavior is crucial for optimizing a website’s on-page SEO. Metrics such as bounce rate can offer insights into how visitors interact with a site. 

A high bounce rate might indicate that users aren’t finding what they’re looking for or that the page isn’t user-friendly. Analyzing this data can help identify areas for improvement, such as page layout, content quality, and call-to-action placement.

Improvements based on user behavior can lead to a more engaging and effective website, encouraging visitors to stay longer and explore more content.

Search engines favor this positive user experience, which can contribute to higher rankings.

By understanding and addressing the needs and behaviors of users, webmasters can create a more successful online presence.

15. Stop Cannibalizing Focus Keywords

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages on a website target the same keyword, which can harm Google’s rankings. This issue can confuse search engines about which page to prioritize for a given keyword, leading to lower visibility for all the competing pages. 

To avoid this, it’s important to have a clear keyword strategy that assigns unique focus keywords to each page. For instance, a website with multiple pages targeting the keyword “YouTube” should be consolidated or differentiated to ensure that each page targets a unique variation or aspect of that topic. 

This helps in clearly signaling to search engines what each page is about, which can improve the likelihood of ranking well for those specific terms.

advanced on page seo

16. Add ‘Content Features’ to Your Page

SEO specialists recommend adding ‘content features’ to a page to enhance its appeal and improve organic traffic. These features can include multimedia elements like images, videos, infographics and interactive components like quizzes and polls. 

Not only do these elements make content more engaging for users, but they also contribute to a richer user experience, which is favored by search engines. Content features can help a page stand out among the 10 results typically shown on the first page of search engine results. 

By providing varied and interesting content, a site can capture users’ attention and potentially increase the time spent on the page, which is another positive signal to search engines. It’s all about offering value that meets users’ needs and preferences.

17. Post Topic + Year Content

Incorporating the current year into the titles and headers of your content can signal freshness and relevance, a tactic often optimized around the keyword with a year suffix. For instance, crafting a ‘Guide to SEO in 2024’ might attract more clicks as it suggests updated and specific information for the current year. 

This technique not only helps in targeting competitive keyword variations but can also position your content as a definitive guide for that year. Be sure to update these pages annually to maintain accuracy and provide the raw data or recent information users seek. 

Remember to include images in your content to enhance engagement and ensure the content is fully optimized for the exact keyword and year combination to satisfy search engine algorithms looking for the most current and relevant information.

18. Make Google Happier

To appease the sophisticated algorithms of search engines like Google, optimizing your content for clarity, relevance, and user engagement is crucial. This involves using structured data like featured snippets, which can significantly enhance visibility in search results.

Providing concise and straightforward answers to common queries within your content can increase your chances of appearing in these coveted positions.

Featured snippets are not just about visibility; they also help provide a better user experience by quickly offering the information searchers seek. 

Hence, optimizing for these can satisfy both the users and the search engines, leading to a happier relationship with Google and potentially better rankings.

19. Steal Featured Snippets

Featured snippets represent a shortcut to the top of Google’s organic results, granting websites a prime opportunity to capture significant organic traffic. To ‘steal’ these snippets, you must first understand the keyword difficulty and create content that directly answers people’s questions. 

Precise, succinct answers formatted in bullet points or numbered lists often have an edge in earning these positions. Regularly analyze your competitors’ featured snippets and aim to provide clearer, more comprehensive answers in your content. 

By outperforming the current snippet holder in relevance and usefulness, you increase the likelihood of your page being featured, thereby boosting your visibility in organic results.

20. Analyze Your Log Files

Log file analysis is a crucial component of technical SEO and provides invaluable insights into how search engine spiders interact with your website.

By examining raw server logs, you can uncover issues and opportunities related to crawl efficiency, such as which pages are frequently crawled versus those overlooked by search engine bots.

This data can inform strategic decisions to enhance site performance. Effective log file analysis can reveal patterns that might suggest technical issues, such as broken links or improperly redirected pages. 

Addressing these issues improves crawlability, ensuring that search engines can index your content more effectively. This, in turn, helps maximize your website’s SEO potential.

advanced on page seo


Mastering advanced on-page SEO involves combining SEO basics with cutting-edge strategies. To stay ahead, one must go beyond keyword “SEO” optimization and dive into the site’s technical aspects.

This includes ensuring mobile-friendliness and utilizing tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to track performance and identify areas for improvement. Keeping up with on-page SEO techniques is crucial for online visibility and success as the digital landscape evolves.

Whether it’s enhancing user experience or leveraging schema markup, each advanced method contributes to a robust SEO framework that can significantly boost a site’s search engine rankings.

Picture of Phillip Stemann
Phillip Stemann
I'm Phillip, and I've been in the SEO game since 2020, where I took it under the skin. I've grown multiple websites to thousands of clicks, and I'm sharing all my SEO knowledge through my content and YouTube channel. I started as a curious mind at 13 years old, programming and programming for many years before I discovered SEO. I then started with the technical part of SEO as it came naturally to me with my technical background, and then I took on all parts of SEO. I love helping other people grow their websites, and I help my clients do the same.

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20 Advanced On-Page SEO Techniques In 2024



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