
What Is a Niche Website? What You Need to Know [Mega Guide]

There’s no doubt that the SEO world will continue to grow and adapt in 2024. As such, website owners should be familiar with all kinds of SEO terms, strategies, and practicesβ€”including niche websites.

But what exactly is a niche website? The name may seem self-explanatory yet there’s more to it than you think.

And here’s where my guide helps. Below, I cover what you need to know about niche websites in 2024. You’ll learn the SEO benefits that come with starting a niche website and detailed steps on how to do so.

Not only that, but I also cover the difference between building a brand and a niche website, emphasizing that brands win over niches. Ready to begin?

Table of Contents

What Is a Niche Website? A Brief Overview

A niche website focuses on a specific, narrowly defined topic or target audience.

As opposed to general interest websites, niche sites cater their content and products to a particular type of user, usually those who share a specific interest or need.

By targeting a niche, these websites can better attract and engage their intended audience without getting lost in the vast expanse of the internet.

Effective niche sites will conduct extensive keyword research to determine precisely what potential visitors are searching for in order to create content that answers those queries.

Additionally, niche websites allow brands, bloggers, and entrepreneurs to establish themselves as experts in a particular subject area.

Overall, the relatively small size of a niche site’s target market allows it to provide highly tailored goods, services, and information – thus meeting the specific wants and needs of that audience better than any general website could.

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What Are Examples of Niche Websites?

From monetized blogs to e-commerce stores, niche sites come in many forms. Let’s take a look at just some examples of niche websites.

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness sites like Healthline.com and MindBodyGreen.com target audiences interested in improving their physical, mental, and emotional health.

Catering to emerging trends and offering advice across fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, integrative health, and more, these sites establish themselves as comprehensive resources on health-related topics.

Personal Finance

Niche sites like NerdWallet, The Points Guy, and Mint tackle personal finance questions, advising readers on topics like budgeting, investing, credit/debit cards, loans, insurance, and taxes.

With detailed, data-driven recommendations and financial planning tools, these sites serve users looking to manage their money wisely.

Home and Garden

Sites like ApartmentTherapy and HGTV offer inspiration, how-tos, buying guides, and more, focusing mainly on home and garden projects.

From remodeling and landscaping advice to decor trends and gardening tips, this content assists homeowners and renters looking to enhance their living spaces.


Nomadic Matt, The Points Guy, and other travel sites cater to adventure seekers and budget-focused jet setters. By providing tips, inspiration, deals, and planning resources, these platforms help travelers maximize memorable vacations.

Fitness and Nutrition

Sites like Bodybuilding.com and Precision Nutrition offer customized fitness plans, training techniques, gear reviews, recipes, and advice from experts to target fitness buffs and athletes aiming for peak performance.

Food and Cooking

Platforms like Simply Recipes, Food52, and Chowhound drive engagement from cooking enthusiasts and foodies through recipes, kitchen tips, techniques, and food trends while also fostering culinary communities.

Fashion and Photography

High Snobiety, Refinery29, and other similar sites highlight style news, designer collections, model features, styling techniques, gear talk, and more for audiences passionate about aesthetics and self-expression through fashion and photography.


Beauty niche sites like Byrdie, Beauty Crafter, and Cosmopolitan cater to beauty product aficionados by providing reviews of cosmetics, skincare items, hairstyling tools, and more. Along with tips, tricks, and trends, these platforms build communities around all things beauty.

Outdoor Gear

REI, Switchback Travel, and other outdoor sites offer specialized content on camping gear, hiking equipment, apparel, reviews, and comparisons for backpackers, mountaineers, and outdoor explorers seeking recommendations.

Outdoor Sports

Platforms focused on outdoor sports often carve deeper niches, producing content on specific activities like rock climbing, kayaking, mountain biking, skiing, and more.

Their respective enthusiast followings have specialized interests and needs when it comes to technique advice, event coverage, gear, and locations.

Computer and Tech

Highly focused computer, gaming, and technology websites drive strong engagement, catering to niche hardware products and enthusiast segments through specialized comparisons, insider news, firmware updates, teardowns, and overclocking advice.


For coffee connoisseurs, niche websites provide product reviews from professional tasters and brewing guides leveraging specialty equipment.

Their stories spotlight specific origins or growers and more – it allows aficionados to deepen their knowledge around bean quality, processing techniques, aging effects, or harvesting practices.


Firearms enthusiasts frequent niche gun websites for in-depth coverage of individual models or gunsmithing needs.

Beyond equipment reviews and recommendations, these sites build community, foster discussion forums, and highlight legislative or regulatory news relevant to responsible owners.

What About Niche Affiliate Sites? A Quick Overview

On the other hand, niche affiliate websites are sites that focus on a specific, narrowly defined topic and promote relevant products or services from other companies to generate commissions.

For example, an affiliate site in the hiking niche might promote backpacks, hiking gear, outdoor apparel, and related products through reviews, recommendations, and other content.

When website visitors click on the affiliate links and make a purchase, the affiliate website earns a percentage of that sale.

The key strategy involves creating valuable, targeted content like buyer’s guides and product reviews that compel the niche audience to click through and shop. By providing expertise around the niche topic, affiliate sites build trust and loyalty among followers.

Successful niche affiliate models range from monetized blogs like Wirecutter that review products to niche e-commerce stores and sites providing specialized services.

For instance, a personal finance site might promote financial products, credit cards, tax services, investment platforms, and other relevant affiliate offerings tailored to money-conscious visitors.

Examples of Niche Affiliate Sites

Here are some examples of popular niche affiliate websites across different categories.

Travel: Skyscanner

Skyscanner operates in the travel niche, standing out by comprehensively listing flight, hotel, and rental car deals in one place.

While not all listings have direct affiliate partnerships, the site reliably helps comparison shoppers find the best rates. This makes Skyscanner a go-to resource for deal-focused travelers.

Outdoors: Switchback Travel

Switchback Travel caters to outdoor adventurers through specialized content on hiking gear, apparel recommendations, and reviews. As an affiliate site, it links to relevant products on merchant sites, earning commissions on resulting sales.

Technology: Wirecutter

Owned by The New York Times, Wirecutter takes a journalistic approach to technology product recommendations and reviews, transparently disclosing when links earn affiliate income.

Originally a deals blog, Wirecutter succeeded by combining rigorous analysis with affiliate links.

Pets: Dog Food Advisor

Dog Food Advisor offers a prime example of a niche affiliate site doing well. By focusing specifically on advising pet owners on dog food brands and formulas through reviews, it has built recognition as a subject matter authority.

What Are the SEO Benefits of a Niche Website?

Niche websites designed around specific topics and targeted audiences can leverage several advantages when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO) and driving traffic through organic search.

1. Increased Clicks and Conversions

By catering content specifically to niche interests and needs, niche sites attract visitors who are already invested in their offerings. This leads to higher click-through rates on links and ads as well as increased conversion rates compared to general sites.

Niche audiences convert better because they have an existing interest in those specialized products or information.

2. Deeper Engagement

Publishing niche-specific, targeted informational content and resources allows sites to make a strong impression on potential customers.

Visitors spend more time exploring niche sites focused on their interests, needs, and pain points.

This leads to lower bounce rates plus additional page views as visitors click through site content. High engagement is a positive ranking signal and helps convert visitors.

3. Brand Differentiation

Carving out a unique identity gives niche sites an edge over the competition in a crowded digital landscape, fostering brand recognition within target segments.

Not only does specialization build trust and credibility, but it also cements brand awareness and loyalty among niche communities over time through consistently tailored offerings.

4. Effective Keyword Targeting

Thorough keyword research to identify niche-specific search terms and strategic optimization help niche sites rank higher in search results and get found by their target audiences.

Optimizing pages and content for relevant niche keywords drive higher organic traffic from searches.

5. Measurable Results

Niche sites can precisely track KPIs to refine strategies. They help monitor niche-specific keywords, engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion funnels, and more.

With measurable data directly from a target segment, they gain insight to optimize content and SEO for even better performance within their niche.

How to Start a Niche Website: 9 Simple Steps

Launching a niche website represents a promising opportunity this year, but you must go beyond just thinking content.

By providing highly targeted value to an invested audience segment, niche sites can thrive through tailored offerings. Follow this step-by-step guide to start your niche site this year.

1. Choose a Niche That Inspires You

The foundation of any successful niche site is passion. So, select a niche that aligns with your interests and knowledge base.

This personal connection will fuel the long-term effort and creativity required to flourish. Reflect on your hobbies, backgrounds, and areas of expertise to guide your decision-making.

2. Conduct In-Depth Market Research

Once you have a promising niche in mind, rigorously research the market landscape, competition, trends, and audience. Understand search volumes, gaps in content coverage, audience pains and needs, and existing site strengths and weaknesses.

This data will reveal exactly where you can differentiate. I recommend that you compile the findings into a spreadsheet.

3. Define Your Goals and Key Performance Indicators

With market research completed, clearly define your vision for the niche site, including financial and traffic objectives and central success metrics.

Outline tangible quarterly and annual goals across revenue, traffic, email subscribers, and other KPIs while keeping the long-term growth trajectory in mind.

4. Perform Competitor Analysis

Thoroughly analyze niche sites that are already thriving to identify what is working and gaps you can fill with a unique positioning.

Study their content strategies, SEO approaches, website format, product selection, and recommendations. Learn from their successes while ensuring you introduce something new based on the market research.

5. Map Out Your Content Strategy

A content strategy is the backbone of any future-proof niche site. Define your core topics, article formats, cadence for publishing, promotion channels, and content funnel to convert visitors into subscribers and customers.

For instance, you can outline 12 months of potential articles around serves, reviews, comparisons, and trend pieces around your niche.

6. Select Your Monetization Model

Most niche sites rely on digital products, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and premium subscriptions for monetization over display ads.

Outline a revenue strategy aligned to your niche focused on delivering extreme value before monetizing audiences through intentional touchpoints.

7. Build Your On-Site SEO Foundation

Optimize your niche site’s pages and posts by targeting related keywords and long-tail search queries revealed in your research.

Ensure page load speeds remain high. Improve your site’s internal linking structure. Produce SEO-friendly content that ranks for the terms your audience is searching for.

8. Leverage Social Media Strategically

Promote your content across key social platforms like Facebook Groups, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn to drive visibility and referral traffic.

Engage niche communities and build authentic connections with your audience and industry influencers. Post consistently, as well.

9. Stay Data-Driven and Adaptable

Analyze your site traffic, engagement, conversions, and revenue streams using Google Analytics. Collect audience feedback through surveys. Learn what content resonates.

With that, you can refine your strategy month-over-month, continually experimenting with new formats, topics, and distribution tactics optimized for your niche.

8 SEO Boosting Strategies for Niche Websites

Constructing a robust SEO strategy tailored to niche site content and audience priorities is essential for driving sustainable discoverability and traffic.

From technical optimization to multimedia content production, numerous tactics exist to help niche operators level up organic acquisition.

1. In-Depth Keyword Research

Leverage keyword research tools such as Ahrefs and Semrush to uncover niche-specific long-tail queries with sufficient search volume but low competition.

Target informational, commercial, and conversational keywords that align with topical relevance. Analyze competitor content as well. Optimize pages for each keyword, enriching relevancy.

2. User-Friendly Site Infrastructure

Ensure site elements like URLs, metadata titles and descriptions, headers, media formats, and internal linking structures are optimized not just for crawlers but also for human readers.

Maintain fast page speeds and mobile responsiveness. This cements engagement, lowering bounce rates.

3. Targeted, SEO-Optimized Landing Page

Construct focused, topic-specific landing pages optimized for individual commercial or informational keywords rather than cramming content onto just a few pages.

Tailored pages feel more relevant, keeping searchers active on your site longer to boost rankings.

4. Interlinking Related Content

Interlink contextual site content extensively through internal links, passing equity from authority pages to support rankings across associated pages. Answer multiple queries through one piece of content. Consistent interlinking lifts all pages.

5. Multimedia Content Production

Diversify beyond text into video, podcast, and visual formats that align with audience consumption preferences. Interactive content earns links and social engagement. Support text with media.

6. Guest Post and Industry Outreach

Proactively connect with industry websites and relevant sites to contribute guest posts, earning niche links. Share expertise rather than immediately asking for backlinks. Established bloggers often reciprocate.

7. Social Community Engagement

Participate actively within key Reddit subreddits, Facebook Groups, forums, and X (previously Twitter) conversations around your niche. Share expertise to build relationships with passionate audiences, driving site traffic.

8. Content Updating and Improvement

Audit historic evergreen posts, aligning them with updated keyword data, reader needs, and business objectives where gaps exist.

Refresh outdated content with new research, media, and analysis or consolidate posts. Updated content can re-rank.

Building a Niche Website: What Are the Challenges?

While niche websites cater to passionate, invested audiences leading to engaged communities, constructing and operating one comes with substantial hurdles across growth, content, and monetization.

Understanding these pain points is pivotal for anyone exploring a niche site – so let’s go through them.

1. Generating Consistent Traffic and Visibility

The number one struggle niche site owners face is driving steady website traffic, with 85% highlighting this as difficult.

Breaking through the noise and achieving visibility is enormously challenging when targeting narrow interests. This demands creativity regarding content promotion, advertising, and strategic partnerships.

2. Producing Regular, High-Value Content

The second biggest obstacle, according to 60% of niche operators, is continually creating novel, relevant content that aligns with audience needs.

The bar for valuable content is set high when catering to invested followers. Maintaining output frequency and quality long-term proves highly demanding for small teams.

3. Adapting to Niche Industry Shifts

Additionally, 48% find staying current with trends, technologies, and evolutions within niche verticals to be considerably time-intensive yet vital.

Niche audiences expect sites to remain on the cutting edge. This forces operators to continually adapt and upgrade content strategies.

4. Converting Visitors into Subscribers and Customers

Over 50% of niche site owners highlight turning visitors into engaged, paying subscribers and customers as an uphill battle.

Hyper-targeted traffic alone fails to guarantee conversions and revenue. Savvy funnel optimization and customer understanding are essential.

5. Securing Backlinks and Social Media Traction

Obtaining high-value backlinks to boost domain authority and ranking proves tricky, according to 50% of operators.

Meanwhile, 78% note social media drives fewer visits to niches versus general sites. Relationship building is imperative but challenging to spur external traffic sources.

6. Stretching Limited Budgets

The majority of niche startups lack extensive budgets yet must compete for visibility against established general sites or publications.

This forces many founders to take on multiple hats while piecing together solutions and partnerships to augment capabilities.

Owning a Niche Website vs Building a Brand

Niche websites cater to specific audiences with targeted content around defined topics and interests. Brand sites establish a company’s identity, offerings, and messaging across broader audiences.

That’s just the simplified version of comparing the two. In this section, I dig deeper into both, allowing you to learn the key differences between them. There’s also a nifty summary table at the end, so stick around.

What are Brand Websites?

Brand websites represent established companies, thought leaders, influencers, or public figures.

By bringing all branding elements and offerings under one domain, they showcase products, thought leadership content, company achievements, events, initiatives, and team bios.

The goal is to convey the brand vision and benefits to drive enduring relationships with customers.

Brand sites utilize diverse monetization from advertising to affiliate links, product sales, premium content subscriptions, and brand sponsorships.

Niche Websites vs Brand Websites: Pros & Cons

Both website types have distinct advantages and disadvantages worth weighing. Let’s take a look.

Niche Website Pros

Beyond the SEO benefits we covered, niche websites have more to offer than you think:

  • Laser focus on topics resonating with a particular audience leads to high engagement and time on-site for niche communities.
  • In-depth, high-quality content builds loyalty and authority within niche segments.
  • Specialized content, products, and services strongly align with niche interests and needs.
  • Targeted monetization via affiliate links, digital products, services, and narrow advertisements.

Niche Website Cons

Despite their pros, these sites still fall short of a few things. These are:

  • Limiting the scope to serve a smaller audience restricts reach and scalability. Requires consistently creating content around a single topic.
  • Challenging to build awareness and recognition beyond the niche due to the lack of mass market appeal.
  • Reliant on a niche remaining relevant, popular, and large enough to sustainably monetize over the long term.

Brand Website Pros

What about brand websites? What do they have to offer? Let’s see:

  • Broad, diversified content and product catalog appeals to a wider demographic.
  • Flexible to adapt offerings to drive continued relevance across evolving consumer interests.
  • Established brand recognition and trust fosters enduring relationships with customers.
  • Varied monetization via ads, sponsorships, services, products, and affiliate links.

Brand Building Cons

On the other hand, some drawbacks of brand sites include:

  • Generalized content or products may fail to deeply engage specific audiences.
  • Must continually produce new offerings aligned with the brand to remain competitive.
  • Building and managing an instantly recognizable household brand requires a major investment.

The Winner: Brand Websites

Niche sites win on audience engagement within communities, while brand building wins on mass market presence. Niche sites passively monetize through affiliate links and ads, while brands focus on selling their own products.

For the highest perceived value, brands integrate diverse multimedia touchpoints. Ultimately, brands endure over the long term by adapting, while niches rely on sustained relevance.

Summary Table

Below is a summarized recap of what we covered above.


Niche Website

Brand Website

Audience Reach


Mass market

Content Depth



Audience Engagement



Brand Recognition

Within niche



Affiliate links, ads

Products, services, ads

Perceived Value

Informational resources

Multimedia integrated brand experience

Long-term Outlook

Reliant on niche relevancy

Flexible evolution over time

Why is It Important to Build a Brand?

Constructing an influential brand that resonates with target consumers is pivotal for organizations aiming to stand out from the competition and foster enduring relationships with customers.

From driving awareness to boosting perceived value, prioritizing brand building offers multiple advantages.

1. Enhanced Name Recognition

Strong branding places your company or services front of mind, allowing consumers to recognize your offerings instantly. Brand building boosts memorability, ensuring customers recall you versus alternatives when making purchasing decisions.

2. Inspires Trust and Loyalty

Consistent branding that conveys your mission, values, and commitment to quality helps establish trustworthiness.

When consumers trust your brand, they are more likely to become loyal advocates, fueling word-of-mouth promotion and repeat business.

3. Unified Messaging

Investing in brand building allows you to shape a controlled, unified narrative across channels and consumer touchpoints. By coordinating visuals, messaging, and experiences on-brand, you drive clarity regarding what your company stands for.

4. Support Advertising Effectiveness

Advertising efforts thrive when grounded in authoritative branding. Closely aligning promotional messaging and creatives with your brand identity makes campaigns more impactful, coherent, and persuasive in the minds of consumers.

5. Boosts Employee Alignment

An influential brand gives employees a sense of purpose and pride. By ensuring staff align with branding from priorities to values, you drive greater organization-wide coherence. Brand ambassadorship fosters productivity and retention.

6. Higher Perceived Value

Compelling branding signals quality, prestige, and trust in the eyes of consumers, allowing you to justify premium pricing. Constructing an authoritative brand builds perceived value regarding your offerings relative to competitors.

7. Attracts Investors and Acquirers

For enterprises, established branding directly correlates with higher valuations from investors and prospective acquirers. A formidable brand is a strategically crucial asset that appreciates over time to drive sustainability and exit opportunities.

How to Build an Effective Brand Site in 2024

Constructing an authoritative brand website in 2024 requires understanding your audience, carefully defining your identity and focus, and applying core elements consistently across touchpoints. Follow these key steps to build an effective brand:

1. Research Target Audiences and Competitors

Start by analyzing existing content and brands resonating with your targets through surveys, interviews, and competitor research.

Learn how they describe problems and talk about your product category. Identify current market gaps and opportunitiesβ€”document key findings in a consumer persona.

2. Define Your Brand’s Core Focus and Personality Traits

With audience understanding established, clearly define what your brand’s focus will be along with its personality attributes. Outline its mission, values, and positioning, for starters.

Select descriptive adjectives like trustworthy, innovative, or approachable and metaphors embodying the intended tone and style. This personality forms the foundation of your image.

3. Strategically Select Your Business Name

Land on a business name that aligns with your brand’s personality and conveys your focus while also checking domain name availability.

Opt for broad names, allowing flexibility to expand offerings later. Consider combining dictionary words or creating new words that are distinctive and memorable.

4. Create a Memorable Slogan and Tagline

Craft a slogan or tagline that succinctly captures your brand promise and ethos. Ensure it resonates with your target audience by incorporating their vocabulary and attitudes.

For example, leverage aspirational messaging or adopt an enthusiastic tone matching their voice.

5. Design Visual Identity and Assets

Meticulously design visual assets that reinforce your desired brand image, including logo, color palette, fonts, illustrations, and photography style.

Colors should reflect the emotions you wish to evoke, while fonts need to match personality. Imagery must also align with audience preferences as well as brand values.

6. Integrate Branding Across Touchpoints

Finally, implement visual, tonal, mission-aligned, and personality-driven brand messaging cohesively across your website, ad campaigns, social channels, packaging, emails, customer interactions, and any other external touchpoints.

Consistency cements recognition within the field.

Niche Websites vs Authority Websites: How Do They Differ?

You know now the distinct difference between niche and brand sites – but where do authority websites come in here?

How are they different from niche websites? What are their pros and cons? This section focuses on answering those questions in detail below.

What is an Authority Website?

An authority website is a high-quality, trustworthy site recognized by readers, industry experts, and search engines as a leading source of in-depth knowledge and expertise on a particular topic or niche.

Authority sites produce expansive multimedia content that goes beyond articles to include podcasts, videos, research reports, and more. The goal is to establish enduring market leadership by providing immense value.

Authority Website Pros

So, what do authority websites have to offer? Take a look:

  • Perceived as trustworthy and influential both by audience and search engines, elevating organic rankings and traffic
  • Can monetize through diverse revenue streams, including ads, branded products/services, sponsorships, and premium memberships, giving sustainability
  • Flexibility to expand into related content areas as domain authority grows over time
  • Prestige and satisfaction from owning an established, respected, market-leading website
  • A large, invested audience lowers the content creation burden versus serving a narrow niche
  • Backed by data around audience interests and preferences that optimize content planning

Authority Website Cons

Shortcomings of authority sites can be:

  • Enormous upfront investments needed in content, marketing, branding, and subject-matter expertise
  • Very scarce real estate in search results and extremely challenging to unseat established authoritative domains
  • Risk of newer disruptor entrants threatening market leadership over time if not continually evolving
  • Pressure to extensively track analytics and stay aligned with audience interests as they shift
  • Lack of focus can dilute the core value proposition and unique positioning that niche sites leverage

Niche Websites vs Authority Websites: Main POCs

Now let’s see the main points of comparison between either type of website:

1. Monetization and Business Model Differences

Niche sites monetize through display ads and affiliate links with quick conversions.

Authority sites, however, employ ads but also sell their own products, services, and memberships and leverage brand sponsorships for steady revenue.

2. Content Depth and Formats

Niche sites often utilize focused articles and listicles, while authority sites produce webinars, videos, podcasts, and publish books to showcase expertise depth.

3. SEO Strategy Contrast

Niche sites compete on targeted keywords, but authority sites focus on elevating domain authority plus optimizing for informational search queries.

The Verdict: Which Is Better?

Niche sites provide specialized utility quickly, but authority sites endure as market leaders. Niche sites sprint relying on marketing tactics, while authority sites take a long-term marathon approach fueled by value.

In the end, both can achieve sustainable success through very different strategies. The decision boils down to your business needs.

Summary Table

Here’s a summary of the key points of comparison between both:


Niche Website

Authority Website

Content Breadth


Broad across community topics

Business Objective

Rapid monetization

Establish market leadership

Domain Authority

Within niche


Content Types


Multimedia formats

Monetization Model

Affiliate links, display ads

Diverse revenue streams

SEO Focus

Keyword opportunities

Overall authority plus informational queries

Trust Perception

Utility resource

Leading expert and voice


Our in-depth guide examined the world of niche websites in 2024 – from definitions to real-world examples across verticals, including finance and travel.

While outlining the SEO and monetization potential of focused sites, we also explored substantial challenges niche creators face – namely, producing high-value content and converting visitors.

Our comparisons revealed branding sites achieve mass reach, yet niche sites can foster extreme audience loyalty when executed correctly.

With strategic optimization, niche sites can achieve sustainable success but require immense work. Ultimately, the path forward depends on your goals.

Picture of Phillip Stemann
Phillip Stemann
I'm Phillip, and I've been in the SEO game since 2020, where I took it under the skin. I've grown multiple websites to thousands of clicks, and I'm sharing all my SEO knowledge through my content and YouTube channel. I started as a curious mind at 13 years old, programming and programming for many years before I discovered SEO. I then started with the technical part of SEO as it came naturally to me with my technical background, and then I took on all parts of SEO. I love helping other people grow their websites, and I help my clients do the same.

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What Is a Niche Website? What You Need to Know [Mega Guide]

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