
Contadu Review: Content Research Tool Pros/Cons and Pricing

Have you ever found yourself lost, searching for the perfect information to elevate your content online?

If so, do not feel alone. It happens to me often and can start feeling overwhelming. It becomes a challenge to pinpoint what you need.

But I am here to help with my Contadu review, a tool that has helped me streamline the process.

But will it become your companion in your content search?

I’m committed to providing unbiased opinions to you when reviewing SEO tools. I always test the product first-hand to provide a real user experience backed up with data. Combining this with my many years of experience in the SEO industry allows me to provide a great, unbiased review.

Learn more about me.

Key Takeaways

  • You get a content strategy planner to help write engaging content.
  • Contadu offers you keyword clusters with a coverage assessment.
  • You will make data-driven decisions to optimize SEO strategies.
  • You can increase your site visibility and user experience.
  • It will help you with your long-form planning.

Pros and Cons Using Contadu

Contadu provides a solid content product that saves you time researching content, but it has pros and cons.

Pros of Contadu

  • It covers all steps from the search phrase to a written article.
  • Presents you with loads of helpful research data
  • Supports multiple languages
  • AI Content Plan

Cons of Contadu

  • It gets confusing with so much data to visualize


My Quick Take

Contadu has all the tools you need to write great content, but it only works well if you’re data-driven.

Content Optimization
Speed of Platform
User Experience


contadu website

While Contadu is great for data-driven content writers, I believe it’s too expensive compared to the competition.

What is Contadu?

Contadu is a platform that equips copywriters with the tools and features to effectively plan, manage, optimize, and analyze their content marketing efforts.

Its all-in-one approach helps maximize the efficiency of your content strategy by offering valuable insights to enhance performance. With its detailed analysis, the platform enables copywriters to identify areas for improvement and create more compelling content.

Contadu is an essential tool for any copywriter who aims to stay ahead of the competition in terms of their content marketing efforts.

Contadu Review Features

During my Contadu test, I found the platform presents you with some valuable tools to use.

User Interface

After creating my account, I created my project. The Contadu platform gives you a quick overview of your projects.

Pro Tip: When setting up a new project, you enter your domain and can choose any search engine in any country. Thus, you get a wide range of supported languages.

You can add your general keywords to the dashboard and connect to your Google Search Console.

I found the dashboard easy to use and navigate.

Performance Module

I headed over to the performance for my test as I had my Google Search Console attached to my Google Analytics.

Once it’s done, it pulls all the data from there and shows the same graph with impressions and clicks as seen in GSC.

Still, even after attaching my analytics data, it could not show me my performance within the Contadu app; it only showed a quick overview.

However, you can click on the More button next to GSC to see your top keywords and URLs and cannibalize the data available in the Google Search Console.

All I found is that Contadu makes it easier for you to see. If my Google Analytics were working, I would get an overview of my domain traffic and top landing pages based on revenue and sessions.

Still, I found no magic, as you can find all the data within your Google Analytics.

It only makes it easier to comprehend, but that is it regarding the performance module.

Content Strategy

Now, inside the Content Strategy module, I started a new topic: WordPress Cache Plugins.

I chose the United States for my search engine and English as there is not much difference between UK and US English.

You also have the choice to checkmark βœ… if you want any keyword suggestions. Then, you have to analyze the topic.

Worthy Note: When you start with your content strategy, it can take some time as you need to build it.

Then, I decided to use another project I had already created: WordPress Image Optimization Content Strategy.

My Findings Using The Data

When you look at the data received, you will see a keyword cluster to see relevant keywords for the keyword and search phrase used.

You will also receive your search phrase-optimized images for WordPress, and you will notice many people are using image compression.

I also found that many people use the word optimized, others use image optimization, and so on. So, it is a map to see what keywords are attached to your chosen keyword.

The great thing is that you can combine all those keywords in your article and get different ideas for other articles you can write.

The map is interesting and very helpful. Furthermore, you get information on relevant and less relevant keywords.

Still, Contadu did not explain why and did not explain what they based it on.

Compare Your Competitors

Compared to the competitors, you will see that image compression is used a lot and is very colored in the report, while optimized PNG and image optimization are used less.

Worthy Note: I think all of the above is based on traffic value, but it can also be based on search volume.

The data also shows it is changing, but there is no huge difference.

Content Ideas

With the Content Strategy module, you can thoroughly investigate your keyword use. You can see the search volume, CPC, a specific keyword, etc.

For instance, I found that these reduced image file sizes included Http Reduction Image Com.

It had a volume of zero, and the CPC was zero. Thus, you can get more ideas to include in your content and create content on those keyword clusters.

Analysis of Competition

The competition overview shows the top 20 ranking sites for that keyword. You can also see the search performance, which includes a research summary, top keywords, and top clusters.

Then, you can explore the different keywords, traffic domains, and so on. You get loads of data and can explore the keyword clusters further. You can see the best URLs for ranking on that specific keyword.

I did not cover many of them, but I found the tool helpful because it saved me a lot of time with my content research.

I like that you also get the keywords in detail to show the similarities you entered, such as CPC, volume, and value.

Content Planning

Great. The next thing is when you generate your content plan. In my case, I had 20 content ideas, all based on AI and data Contadu pulls in with the research.

You will see content ideas, such as my case for a title, that you can easily compress images at optimal quality in seconds, which I found interesting. Another was talking about a specific plugin that was irrelevant to me.

I also had recommendations like SEO image optimization tips for performance that cover a broader topic. Another one was the eight best online image optimization tools.

I chose the eight best online image optimizer tools. The process is simple: enter your main keyword and add the title. You can then select your search engine and language and add keywords.

Contadu Content Writer

Great! Now, you can create and optimize your articles or write new content. I chose to write new content, and you can add a URL to your main keywords in your inventory.

I did this because I wanted to associate my URL with the main keyword. The last step is to create a new optimization task to link to the URL and primary keyword analysis.

Once I had finished, I found some comments and added information. Once you create your analysis, you must optimize it for the specific keyword. It also allows you to save it.

After this, I went to the content writer and saw the eight best online image optimizer tools compared to a real test. So, it starts to create a plan to start writing your content.

The content plan went faster than my content strategy, and you have more data available than in the content strategy. You also get loads of tools, including the content editor.

You will see your top analysis on that keyword and rank in the top ten to thirty landing pages. I found a breakdown to see the structure of my competitors and the content terms.

In my case, compared to Google Search Console, the target keyword and URL I am not targeting and have no data available, and you also have a section to add links.

Contadu Advanced Content Editor

Now, with all the information available, you can start writing with the content recommendations, and hopefully, the content score should go up.

Pro Tip: I recommend it when you start to make a draft.

You will get an article layout with your content ideas to add the different sections, as in my case, it was what I wanted to write about. You also have headers and questions.

The content editor looks similar to the one you use on Frase.

The editor offers endless possibilities for adding a specific question you want to answer. You can also expand your notes. The content score slowly crawled up, but this was only my draft.

Furthermore, you get settings to add meta tags, meta titles, a meta description, images, and more.

Content Optimization Tool

You can also use the content optimization tool to make your existing content more relevant.

With it, you also get a comprehensive report on your content performance, including metrics like your content score, readability score, MOZ scores, and keyword density.

You can use it to find pages you need to optimize or redirect based on your link profile and traffic. It can also check your user intent and the page you want to target with a specific keyword.

It helps you to plan internal linking to link internally from one page to another.

Team Management Module

You also get a management module to add your inventory from keywords, URLs, structure visualization, external backlinks, and the performance you see.

There is also a tasks section to add tasks you need to do for your content.

Still, when you return to the inventory underperformance, specific keywords are displayed and created in the content strategy. Then, you can get keyword and URL visualization under structure visualization.

However, in my case, it did not show much data. You can also share your information with a copywriter or team member here.

Integrating With Other Platforms

Another great thing is that you get a Chrome Extension to edit your documents directly in Google Docs, Shopify, and WordPress. You can also use the native API WordPress integration to import and export content. Alternatively, you can export content using text, chatGPT prompts, and HTML.

For Whom is Contadu?

Contadu is essential for any copywriter who wants to improve their content efforts and stay ahead of the competition.

It is also suitable for businesses or individuals who want to optimize their SEO strategies, increase their site visibility, and improve their user experience.

The platform is designed to streamline content creation, making creating engaging, data-driven, and quality content easier for users.

Whether you are new to content creation or an experienced copywriter, Contadu can help you save time and improve your content efforts.

Contadu Alternatives

While Contadu can provide you with a content optimization solution and is a game changer in content planning, I can recommend other alternatives.

Contadu Pricing


With Contadu, you get four price plans payable in Euros: the Enterprise plan (Π„297/$315), the Agency plan (Π„149/$158), the Business plan (Π„79/$84), and the Freelance plan (Π„38/$40), which are monthly.

The main difference in the plans is looking at the number of content strategies, content writing, and AI-generated words you get.

All the plans include a plagiarism checker, a backlink checker, and the number of projects you can create.

These plans are expensive compared to the alternatives. Scalenut is more affordable, and you get unlimited AI words, can build keyword clusters, analyze web pages, and more at a reasonable price.

NeuronWrite, on its own, allows you to create only two projects and get 25 content writer analyses on the cheapest plan.

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Wrap-Up: Is Contadu For You?

Is Contadu for you? It all depends on your needs. Contadu is a comprehensive platform that offers a range of features and tools to assist you in streamlining your content efforts.

It provides valuable insights and data-driven recommendations to enhance the performance of your content strategy. With its content strategy planner, keyword clusters, and coverage assessment, you can optimize your SEO strategies and increase site visibility.

Visualizing so much data can become confusing and may not comprehensively explain the reasons behind specific recommendations.

Overall, it is an excellent tool for copywriters who want to create engaging content, optimize their SEO strategy, and stay ahead of the competition.


What is keyword clustering?

Keyword clustering is grouping similar keywords based on their relevance and semantic meaning. This technique is used in SEO to identify patterns and themes in search queries and optimize content for better search engine rankings.

By clustering keywords, you can gain insights into the intent of their target audience, identify content gaps, and create more compelling content strategies.

How can you build a topic cluster fast?

To build a topic cluster quickly, you can use tools like Contadu, leverage existing content, or outsource to a content agency or freelance writer.

How do you use Contadu?

Contadu provides the tools and features to plan, manage, optimize, and analyze your content. First, you must create an account and set up your project.

Then, you use the tool to build a topic cluster by identifying related keywords and phrases. With the performance module, you can track your site performance and get an AI content plan.

Contadu review Content Research tool

Building content is crucial for your marketing, but doing research is always time-consuming. In this Contadu review, I show you how to save time.

Price: 39

Price Currency: $

Operating System: Web

Application Category: SEO

Editor's Rating:


  • It covers all steps from the search phrase to a written article.
  • Presents you with loads of helpful research data
  • Supports multiple languages
  • AI Content Plan


  • It gets confusing with so much data to visualize
Picture of Phillip Stemann
Phillip Stemann
I'm Phillip, and I've been in the SEO game since 2020, where I took it under the skin. I've grown multiple websites to thousands of clicks, and I'm sharing all my SEO knowledge through my content and YouTube channel. I started as a curious mind at 13 years old, programming and programming for many years before I discovered SEO. I then started with the technical part of SEO as it came naturally to me with my technical background, and then I took on all parts of SEO. I love helping other people grow their websites, and I help my clients do the same.

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Contadu Review: Content Research Tool Pros/Cons and Pricing

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